About The River

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Sweet Water

The VOYAGE of the DAWN TREADER - The Chronicles of Narnia - C.S. Lewis
Chapter 15  The Wonders of the Last Sea
"Sweet!" he cheeped. "Sweet, sweet!"
"What are you talking about?" asked Drinian crossly. "And you needn't shake yourself all over me, either."
"I tell you the water's sweet," said the Mouse. "Sweet, fresh. It isn't salt."
For a moment no one quite took in the importance of this. But then Reepicheep once more repeated the old prophecy:
"Where the waves grow sweet, Doubt not, Reepicheep, There is the utter East."
Sweet Water!
Artesian water is the best treat for us. When we traveled to Ashland, WI and Cornucopia, WI we filled up our canteens. When we go camping in the summer we fill our water coolers too. We forgot to bring the water cooler to fill this trip. Every time we go, we get excited for our Sweet Water. We love the Voyage of the Dawn Treader.We have listened to all the Chronicles of Narnia on CD, Radio Drama by Focus on the Family. Wonderful! Lucy is my favorite Pevensie. The Voyage of the Dawn Treader and The Last Battle are my favorite of the seven. My boys always ask me"Mom, if you could only have one favorite, what would it be?" I have narrowed it to two...I would sneak all seven if possible.

We all try to do our best impression of Reepicheep.

1 comment:

  1. It is so fun seeing pictures of somewhere I know. My husband loves the Artesian water in the area. Every week he fills up about 12 milk jugs and we use that for drinking water. For whatever reason, his favorite well is the one in Washburn at West End Park. Pretty amazing how they don't run dry. Love your Chronicles of Narnia references.


High Fives from Wisconsin!