About The River

Monday, September 25, 2017

Funny on Monday

Yep, this is me!
I took a photo of this funny from my blog buddy Debby's blog post at  Just Breathe.


  1. Ha! Yes...exactly. And you know what? Those were the days! ;)

  2. Me too and I'm still using wooden spoons to stir.
    Hugs, Julia

  3. And I licked the bowl when Mother made her homemade pound cakes!

  4. LOL And that's why we didn't need safe spaces with puppies, bubbles, and coloring books at college!

  5. LOVE it! It's a wonder we all survived! When our son was a toddler, we kept a child's rocking chair in the back of our station wagon for him. Plus all kinds of toys. How aghast people would be nowadays.

  6. Ha! Yeah, some of these fit me, too. It's amazing we survived in our day. I could add a few others to the list. This is funny.

  7. Yes I survived some of those too lol

  8. Makes you wonder how any of us survived. We had a cousin who lived in the country. They drove a pick-up truck. When they came to visit us in town, we begged for ride in the bed of the truck. Clyde would ride me, my brother and sister, and their three kids all piled in the back of the truck, around the block, and sometimes as far away as the grill just outside town for a large five cents cone of lime sherbet.

  9. LOL and we all survived did we not!!!! Happy New Week.

  10. I survived all those things and my children, too. Drinking out of the hose in the summer was done frequently. And I didn't let my children do this, but I remember standing up in the back of my dad's pickup while he was driving down the road. Yikes! I know Someone was surely watching over us!

  11. Hahaha! This made me laugh! That's me, too!


High Fives from Wisconsin!