About The River

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Goodbye May and it is the Hodgepodge



Hello Friends, the month of May is just about ready to say goodbye. 

It is Wednesday and that means it is time for the Hodgepodge. 

Joyce asks the questions.

We answer the questions.

1. Growing up, at what age did you think you'd become an adult? At what age did you actually become an adult? 


I think when I was growing up I thought about 25 years of age I would be an adult. I got married at 22, I think I became an adult in training. I will turn 50 this coming birthday. I think I am a true adult now. I have learned from many mistakes, made lots of happy memories and keep doing my best.


2.  What's a favorite item you've bought this year?


Our new vacuum cleaner!! 


3. May 28th is National Hamburger Day...are you a fan? If so, how do you like yours? When was the last time you had a hamburger? Besides the backyard grill, what's your favorite place to go for a burger? 


Yes, I am a fan. My husband grills our burgers. He also enjoys adding toppings from fried onions, different cheeses and sauces. He likes to get creative. We had burgers last Saturday. 

One of my favorite places to have a burger is 

Gronk's Bar & Grill ~ Superior, Wisconsin 


 4.  How have your priorities changed over time? 


In the last year, I have decided to let go of many social media sites. I use to be on Instagram. I use to check several news feeds. I have deleted my Instagram account. And no longer check news feeds like I did in the past.


5. What's one thing on your June calendar you're really looking forward to? 



  6. Insert your own random thought here. 


I just finished Wuthering Heights ~ Emily Bronte

Have you read it? 

Please share your review or thoughts.



Thursday, May 23, 2024

Happenings in May

 Hello Friends,

We have been hanging out with our family. 

I shared our Birthday party at Pattison State Park here.

I am going to share a few more photos from that adventure, starting with this cupcake. I used the recipe I shared from our Easter Cake, but this time I used raspberries.

Click here for the recipe!


Photos from our hike... beware of the snake!




On to the shores of Lake Superior.. freighter sightings!!  



Mother's Day Sunday we spent the day with the boys. We picnicked at Irvine Park in Chippewa Falls. Then we went on to visit Leinenkugel's Brewery. We sampled six beer flavors in what they call a, Craft Your Flight. 



We picked out the following beers or mixes...

Honey Lemon Light

Grapefruit Shandy

Patio Saison

Jacob Spring Brewery Ale

Fuzzy Bear ... which is a mix brewology of Juicy Peach + Berry Weiss

Bumble Bee ... which is a mix brewology of Honey Weiss + Dark Lager


Below I am reading the blends as we go around and try them.


Leinenkugel's gifted all mom's a Crowler to go. You got to choose the beer you wanted. I love the Grapefruit Shandy. It is very refreshing.

We ended our day with a walk at Big Falls in Eau Claire County. 


Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Spring Bouquets


Hello Friends, 

My friend Kim from Exquisitely Unremarkable asked me to share what flowers I use in my spring bouquets.  You will spy daffodils, tulips, greens and pussy willow. 




Thursday, May 16, 2024

Turning the calendar ... what is new with Ernie


We flipped the calendar.. it is time to do an Ernie report.

April 22nd marked Ernie's six month date of being rescued by us.

He has come a long way!! When we first brought him home he was scared of everything. We slowly introduced him to our home, yard and neighborhood. 

Today, he is very comfortable in his home, yard and neighborhood. It all takes time and patience. 

He loves to have belly rubs. 

He loves to be brushed. After our hikes in the woods, we have to do a tick check, he sees the brush and gets ready for a good scratch. 

He loves to stop and visit our neighbors dogs, Simon and Prince when we go for our neighborhood walk.


We are working on jumping. He gets so excited to see us when we arrive home and gets excited when we have friends over. 

He does not mind being brushed, but if we do find a tick, he does not like us trying to pull it off. With all the wire hair it is not that easy. Working on letting us pull ticks. Thankfully he has only had three stuck.





Wednesday, May 8, 2024

It is a "I DID IT" Hodgepodge


Happy Mother's Day

a little hanky and photo of me and my mom

Hello Friends, today is Wednesday and that means it is time for the Hodgepodge.

Joyce asks the questions.

We answer the questions.


Click here to join the fun 

 1. Did you watch the Kentucky Derby this past weekend? No, I did not.  Have you ever been to a horse race? No, I have not.  Ever ridden a horse? Yes, I have. Did you enjoy it? Yes, I did. My uncle and aunt use to own a riding stable. They had a lovely business. Beautiful trails in the woods and very gentle horses.   Have you ever been to Kentucky? Yes.. just a drive thru. Do you like Bourbon? Yes.

2.  What's something you wish you'd placed in a time capsule fifteen years ago? 

Memories that I made fifteen years ago, that I cannot seem to remember today. Ha ha!

3. Are you adventurous? Elaborate. 

I will say, Yes. When we canoe or go kayaking I will be the first to say, how about we paddle down this stream. The last time I said this we got stuck on a sand bar on a little creek, we could not really turn around, it was a true adventure to get out. 

4. Something you want to make this year? It can be a new recipe, craft, diy project, a milestone you've set for yourself...anything at all. 

I just finished a huge project (for me) a T-shirt quilt for our oldest son.

I finished it Friday, May 3!!

We gave it to him for his birthday on Saturday, May 4th.

Note.. his birthday is April 7th, but he was away with the Wisconsin National Guard during his birthday, we celebrated this Saturday.



Using T-shirts from when he was a little boy, to a teen boy. It was a lot of fun to create this special memory quilt for him.


We celebrated Sam's birthday at Pattison State Park. Pattison State Park is Sam's favorite Wisconsin state park. He was very touched by the quilt and it made my heart swell!! We enjoyed a day of hiking, a fun picnic and birthday cupcakes.


5. Cinco de Mayo was also celebrated this past weekend...do you like Mexican food? I do. We have a fantastic Mexican Restaurant in our area,  Casa Mexicana . If so what's your favorite dish? Chimichanga de Tinga  Have you ever been to Mexico? Yes.  Margarita-yes or no? Yes.

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

 A few photos from our day out at Pattison State Park.



Monday, May 6, 2024

Step - Over Fruit Trees



Hello Friends, today I am sharing the last article I wrote for the Cameron Chronicle.. "The Little Paper with Personality." I started writing for our village paper June 2021. I shared garden tips and tricks. I also shared gift ideas for gardeners. 

In March of this year, Marty the owner of the paper shared that she was having trouble finding affordable printing. She has decided to retire the Cameron Chronicle.

My April article and last article for the Cameron Chronicle  was posted on the Cameron Chronicle Facebook Page.

Cameron Chronicle Facebook Page 


The Garden is Living, it should be changing...


Just as the garden is changing our lives change as well. I will miss writing for our village paper and I will miss reading our village paper. It was a fun paper with personality.


And now for my last article... enjoy.



Step-Over Fruit Trees

By Carla TePaske of Cameron WI ~ The Little Garden That Could

What are step-overs? A step-over is an extremely dwarf apple or pear tree that is grown typically as a fruitful hedge or border to an ornamental vegetable garden or a potager garden. Their success is totally dependent on growing them on an extremely dwarfing rootstock. If this tree is left to grow to it’s full size it may reach to your chest of even shoulder, however it was never intended to be grown as a 'tree' but rather as a step-over.

To grow a step-over fruit tree, you learn the art of espalier. The art of espalier is all about selectively pruning and training to a desired shape.

Fun Facts about the Origins of Espalier

Espalier is the ancient horticultural art of pruning and training a tree or shrub to grow flat against a support, creating a living sculpture. According to American Garden History, espalier was originally used to create outdoor "walls" in Europe during the Middle Ages and was also planted in interior courtyard walls to prevent late frost bud-kill.

Other records show this technique dates back to ancient Egypt, where hieroglyphs of espaliered fig trees have been found in tombs dating back to 1400 B.C.

The French word "espalier" (ess-PAL-yay) was originally a noun that referred to the trellis or support upon which the tree was grown; today, it refers to the technique itself.

You can use the same technique to train your tree as a step-over.

A step-over is a trained tree 20 inches from the ground, creating a T shape. The name derives from the fact that you can “step over” the low branches. They are ideal for planting along the edge of a path or lawn or for creating sections in a vegetable garden.

Until next time, happy gardening!