The calendar is just about to flip.. we will be six months into 2020.
2020 .. the year that many of us have been saying
"Hey 2020, please stop, I want to get off! I would rather walk!"
Even with all that is swirling around us, life still goes on. 2020 graduates are making plans for the future. 2020 babies are being born. What a story their parents will be sharing with them. Marriage proposals.. thank goodness for happy!!
Families with loved ones in nursing homes, assisted living and hospitals, navigating all the changes regarding visiting.
Having to go for a cancer check up alone as your loved one waits for you in the car.
And so much more!
It seems like the year 2020 is a year you have to be BRAVE and a year that you take RISKS.
Many of you that read The River know that our National Guard son is conducting COVID19 testing in Milwaukee. Why? For the exact reason he sighed up to become a Wisconsin National Guardsmen.
He wants to HELP people.
Milwaukee has been one of the many cities that have demonstrated frustration with violence, burning and looting.
Sadly, Sam's team was leaving the city for the evening after a long day of testing and the crowds were forming, closing off the streets, starting fires, screaming and throwing things.
Sam shared with me the video he took as his team slowly got out of the city. With the video I can hear his team mates in the van saying "What on earth is going on? I hope we can get out of here!"
They got out. Thank goodness!
Steadily moving forward without always naming the challenges they overcome.
Sam and his team continue to help with the COVID19 testing and will be deployed to Milwaukee until July 31st.
Our 2020 graduation son is busy planning his future. Thinking about college. How will classes be held this school season? Do I want to do online classes? Or do I want to have the opportunity to be in a hands on classroom?
Should I wait and start classes in the Spring semester?
Paving the way.. tiptoe post their comfort zones and say yes when they could have said no.
Do you dare dream in 2020?
so much emotion
I recently read a poem I would like to share here at The River.
The world needs risk takers.
The truth seekers and status quo resisters.
Who ask the questions they really want to know.
Who confidently purse what is right even when it isn't popular.
No facades. No half-truths.
No compromises.
The life lovers and slow-song-in -the kitchen dancers.
Who smile at every stranger and wear their hearts on their sleeves.
Who uphold authenticity time and again.
No distance. No armor. No walls.
The course changers and path makers.
Who risk it all to follow their hearts and lead others to new places.
Who steadily move forward without always naming the challenges they overcome.
No compass. No safety net. No way to know where the road will go.
The world needs risk takers.
Like you and me.
Who pave the way for others to follow.
Or who tiptoe past their comfort zones to say yes when they could have said no.
Every day, in big and small ways, we all wake up and push toward the unknown. Never rising out of new waters the same as we were before.
Author unknown to me