About The River

Monday, January 15, 2018

Goals for The Little Garden That Could

Welcome 2018 !
Looking ahead at goals that I have for my little flower business, The Little Garden That Could.

Click on the above link to take a peek  at The Little Garden That Could. This summer I will continue to offer my Fresh Flower subscription service.

This summer I plan to have my flowers for sale in my front yard, like I have in years past. 

This summer, we plan to have a Farm Stand. I am excited to share with you as my husband starts the design and build on this cute Farm Stand that I dreamed up.
The reason I asked Jeremy if he could build me a small farm stand, is because of the weather. On windy days, my flowers do not fair well out on my table. My gladiolus are very hard to keep up on my table.  Jeremy understood and we have come up with a solution.

 I will be back at the Bruce Farmer's Market. I took a year off from the Farmer's Market during 2017. I missed my other vendors and I am happy they missed me. My market manger shared with me she would love to have me what ever Friday's I could join up for the Friday market. I want to continue to do my Meals on Wheels (two weeks on two weeks off). The two weeks off, those Friday's I will go to market. I am excited to meet up with my other market friends and see my customers again in the Bruce area.

2017 was a fun year of kicking off my flower subscription service. I was featured in our local newspaper and had several customers ask me if I would do garden tours.

 Another idea for 2018 would be to host Flower Garden Tours.
I am wondering how to promote this? 
Once a month?
Offer Flower Garden Tea Time?
Build your own bouquets?

I would love to hear from you. 

"Just living is not enough." said the butterfly "one must have sunshine, freedom and a little flower."
Hans Christian Anderson


  1. All sounds very positive. Good luck with it all.

  2. Wow, your business is really blooming! Bad pun, I know. The best thing in this post is getting to see you in the paper! This is so cool! And recognition well deserved. Around here, there are garden tours once a year. I don't know who chooses which yards are on the tour. There are also home tours, and I think they are two separate events. Your front yard stand with the blue tablecloth is so gorgeous, I want to scoop the entire thing up and bring it to my yard. Your talent for flower design boggles my mind. I struggle so much with it, and have no ability. Just putting some curly willow branches in a vase has taken me days of pondering and stress.

  3. Do you have enough for a cutting garden for the public?That might be a nice part of the tour. I love how your business is growing and expanding! Will you sell some artwork by you and your son? Maybe notecards? The farm stand is going to be awesome!

  4. I loved reading about your flower business, Carla. I wish you much success!

  5. So exciting! I just love flowers so much, there are so many wonderful opportunities there. Delivery services, a lovely tea time in the garden, a book club in the garden with light refreshments, nursing home cheer.... so much to consider. I enjoy party planning etc. I've always wanted to open my own tea room :-) I wish you all the very very best! Dream big, the first step to success is a well laid plan, you can do this!


  6. Oooooo I love the idea of a garden tour....You could have teas, then tours, then the guests could build their own bouquets before heading home! I want to participate! :D

  7. So exciting Carla! I am excited for your new goals and that you're going to have a newly built stand! I think garden tours are a great idea as well! Maybe hosting a "free open garden day" where you can sell your bouquets to visitors? Just a thought. You could serve lemonade and talk about your beautiful flowers. How could people resist taking home a bunch?

  8. Oh Carla this is so exciting to read today. I love that you will have a new stand for your garden flower business. The garden tour will be so wonderful. I am so excited for you. Now let's get rid of Old Man Winter and get on with Spring and Summer so your flowers flourish. I wish I could drive by your stand and buy a gift of happy flowers to take home.

  9. So many exciting possibilities in your garden, Carla, how wonderful! I love the garden tour and tea idea. What a lovely way to spend an afternoon. I would defiantly do that with friends.

  10. Your garden is just amazing Carla! I love what you and your husband are planning to do with creating a more permanent farm stand, I can imagine the heat isn't kind to the flowers sitting out during the day. I think all your ideas sound pretty amazing, and so many possibilities! I would love to have tea in your garden :) Also cutting your own bouquet sounds fun too, but perhaps the most fun would be just enjoying watching the butterflies flit around :) May the blessings of the Lord be with you and your family as you plan for warmer days :)

  11. It sounds as if you are going to be in for an exciting 2018 with your garden plans, I'm so pleased for you.

    Garden tours are fun, but then so too are tours and tea - there are so many exciting possibilities. I'd do what you feel most happy and confident with and go on from there ...

    One thing is for sure if I lived near to you, I would definitely come to visit and get my flowers from you.

    All the best Jan

  12. It all sounds so wonderful and exciting - how I wish I could stop by and visit.

  13. Build a bouquet tours sound fun. Are you perhaps able to teach classes in floral photography, growing vegetables in conjunction with these?

  14. I'm so excited to see your stand. I know that with the talent and creativity in your family, it will be great!
    I love the idea of build your own bouquet!

  15. Thanks for providing good information,Thanks for your sharing.


  16. It sounds perfect! Wish I could drive buy and visit with you.


High Fives from Wisconsin!