About The River

Friday, January 19, 2018

On the Road Friday ~ Henry Vilas Zoo, Madison, Wisconsin

Henry Vilas Zoo
click on the link below to visit the website

On our trip to Madison in October of 2017 we ventured to the zoo.
Henry Vilas Zoo is one of a kind, it is a no charge zoo. It is packed with exhibits. 
We took our bikes with on our adventure to Madison. Madison has an amazing bike trail system. The bike trail was right out our hotel front door. It was easy to bike around the city to the attractions we wanted to visit.

Off to the Zoo we go.

 Peek a Boo
Wisconsin is the Badger State!
 Peek a Boo, two badgers.

I could watch Prairie Dogs all day. They are so funny.

 Out of Africa

We were very impressed with all the African animals.

The story about the bears.
From Montana to Wisconsin.

This guy really is cute!

You have to love that face. 

I will end our tour with what all three men in my life laughed and laughed about. Yep, that goes for my oldest, my husband. He is the one who took the photo!

This Rhino really had to go. They laughed and he just continued to go. They informed me later, they could not believe how much that Rhino had to go. It was like he was never going to stop.

Boys will be Boys ... Forever!  Ha! Alright, I will be honest, I started laughing too. This Rhino did seem to have a never ending stream. 

Have a great weekend my friends.


  1. The Capybara is unique....I've never heard of one! And couldn't that guy have any privacy? heehee! Looks like a great day to visit...love the giraffes best of all!

  2. What a great zoo! I love it! Also, yes boys will be boys. "Everybody poops" yet they always still giggle when they see that site! Jeff would have done the same I'm sure!

  3. Typical boy 'bathroom humor'...lol....it never ends-even in adulthood.

    Those are all great pictures. It is hard to believe that those badgers can be as vicious as they are sometimes, isn't it? Love that Capybara! Didn't even know of that animal. Have a great weekend, Carla. xo Diana

  4. Boys will be boys...no matter how old they are! ;) I have never seen a capybara before. I must investigate!

  5. LOL that rhino was making sure to give you a little something special to remember him by!!! What a fun trip and great zoo. Love that you could ride your bikes everywhere too. How fun.

  6. Animals are fascinating. I'm glad you got to take your bikes and spend time together at this great zoo.

  7. I love the two badgers with just their heads sticking out. Capybaras, I think they are related to either rodents or pigs? I have seen them on T.V. I do just love watching Prairie dogs! How is this zoo supported if they don't charge an entry fee?

  8. Very nice your blog and article. I like this blog thank for sharing.


  9. Fun times! I haven't been to HV Zoo in years, which is sad because it's only about 15 minutes from my house. The bike trails are great, aren't they?!

  10. Laughing at the rhino. I love going to the zoo....we have a nice zoo here in Birmingham, and we have a famous rhino named Ricky and he's famous for the carpet commercials. You should look him up!

  11. I haven't been to a zoo in such a long time...now I want to go after seeing your wonderful photos! Haha on the never ending stream. I would have laughed too. :)

  12. Lol... The Rhino wanted to put on a show! And a capybara? I've never heard of this critter, definitely putting this park on our list of places to visit!

  13. Oh my goodness, that is funny about the rhino and all of the giggling! When you gotta go, you gotta go! I love watching prairie dogs too!

  14. So nice to see all of your zoo photographs - love the giraffes.
    Had to laugh at the photograph of the Rhino! Just brilliant!

    All the best Jan

  15. I'm so late in commenting but I finally made it. I wouldn't miss a trip to the zoo.


High Fives from Wisconsin!