About The River

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

When things don't go as planned ....

I had planned to open the Flower Shack long ago. I planted rows and rows of tulips. They all were getting ready to pop open.
I got all my new products ready.

Photo Cards

Succulent Log Planters

  A few weeks before my tulips opened. I heard the rumble of the road construction start. 
We did know Arlington Avenue was going to be under construction.
We were told it was a simple project. It will take a few days. 
Mail service and garbage service will not be interrupted.

"No worries" I thought. 
The leaders of our Village said, "it is a simple re-pave job."

"Mom, I think the neighbors trees are being cut down." my son yelled out.

"Mom, I think the neighbors rock wall is being torn out." yelled my son.

Then all machines packed up and went away.
They did not come back.
Week 1.
Week 2.
Week 3.

We had a major rain storm.

 They had to haul more gravel in to the low spots.

 And once again.. silence. Nothing.. where are they? What are they doing?
You can tell by looking at the leaves of the trees how much time has passed.

 Then one day, I heard machinery again. They began to pave the road.
In the mean time they closed our road completely. Without telling anyone. Including the Post Office. We did not have mail delivery for five days!!

The best part of the story..
Friday they stopped working at 1:30 - 2:00 .. leaving huge gaps in front of our driveway. No low setting car was going any place.

Saturday we heard the sound of machines. They finished the driveways on Saturday.

Monday they came back and did the landscaping.
A six week project... does that seem short to you?

No communication... our neighbor has a low setting car. Her muffler would have been ripped off. 
NO ONE told us to move our cars before they started Friday. And none of us neighbors thought they would leave the driveways with the gaps into Saturday afternoon.
 No mail service for 5 days! When our neighbor called the Post Office, the Postmaster shared they were never told about Arlington construction!!

So what happened?
Grant Money v.s. Tax Payer Money
The project was held up because the project was divided up into several different contractors doing the work. Sadly, some did not work well together and the quality of work differed between the contractors as well.

To make a long story short.. I will finally open the Flower Shack on Thursday with Spring bouquets, plants, succulent log planters and photo cards.
I missed selling my tulip bouquets for this season.  I will try again next year.

Do you have a road construction story?


  1. I could never,ever top this story. It is almost unbelievable! O.K., I can see why they may have had to split the project up. But there is no excuse for not notifying anyone.

  2. Oh my goodness! What a mess you've all lived through but you survived. I might have lost my mind. Yay for opening your flower shack finally!

  3. Awww so sorry about not getting your pretty tulips out in the flower shack. That is aweful that they did not communicate well with all of this road repair. That is wrong on so many levels. They need to be changing their communication policies when work like this is happening. Glad you got the shack open and got your pretty things up for sale. I love my cards and use them for sweet messages of thank you. I also go your other card on the sell and move. Came on a great day when I needed a little encouragement. It was not a good day and your card turned things around for me. I thank you sweet friend for your kind words and encouragement. Happy New Week.

  4. Oh my, I can see how frustrating the whole ordeal must've been.

  5. Oh my word, what a mess! I would have been pretty upset over that. ((Hugs))

  6. Bless your heart, what a mess Carla!! I hate when they do things like that. We have had lots of roads torn up in and around our neighborhood as well. We can't tell if they are putting in water lines or gas lines, as there are different trucks in the area all the time. No communication from the city, streets blocked off and lots of mess everywhere! Glad you are going to be able to finally open your shop! Love and hugs!

  7. we went to the cameron house for a birthday party.parking lot off ss was full unable to get in to the side lot d/t construction did park by the dr office and walked across the black top they were working on the road and did we get some dirty looks from the workmen

  8. What a mess! Perhaps I should be grateful that we just have giant frost heaves, pot holes, and messy patch jobs on our road! At least they put up "rough road" signs for us!

  9. That's awful! I hope you can recoup the losses you must have suffered.

  10. How frustrating! I'm glad this is done and behind you. I remember when I lived in the Twin Cities, there was a fairly major paving project that happened, but it went very smoothly I am happy to say. I was never kept out of my own driveway. I'm more appreciative of how that city handled that project now!

  11. Unbelievable and so frustrating … I am so sorry.

    All the best Jan


High Fives from Wisconsin!