About The River

Monday, November 11, 2024

Thank You Veterans


Thank You Veterans

Today I am going to share a story I read in our Wisconsin Outdoor News. The author of the story is Dean Bortz. 

The Wisconsin Outdoor News 2023 Person of the Year, Rueben Kolpack. He is 103 years old and is the oldest licensed Wisconsin deer hunter.

Oh he has many milestones, I will share a few with you..

World War II soldier.

Recipient of the Silver Star for gallantry in action, the Purple Heart, African/European Medal, Victory Medal, and a Belgian medal on the recommendation of the French government.

Married 77 years to his wife, Lucille, who passed away in March at age 97, just five days short of her 98th birthday.

Father to six children.

 Successful farmer.


I want to share a few things from the article that Rueben shared.

Rueben grew up speaking German. While he was at basic training at Fort Riley, Kansas an officer asked if anyone could speak German. Once Uncle Sam figured out Kolpack could speak German, he was sent to radio school and then to the 2nd Armored Division where he was a radio operator and interpreter in a tank battery.

It was a tough duty. He saw a lot of things he'd rather not have had to witness - the huge cost of human lives on the beach of Normandy, the tank ahead of him getting blown to bits by a German Tiger tank and its 88 mm cannon.

"If it weren't for the grace of God, I wouldn't be here today. It was a miracle anyone survived the mortar attack where I was wounded. The stronghold was just 200 yards away on the ridge above us. Those mortar rounds just kept landing around us and the command tank. When people say there isn't a God, they're lying to themselves.

He was struck by a mortar that damaged his right leg. He spent four months in the hospital and was not fully recovered when he was forced back into war for the Battle of the Bulge because of losses in his unit.  


Today I say Thank You to Rueben and all the other Veterans. 

And I say thank you  to all of those who are currently serving.




  1. Thank you to Reuben and all the other veterans that gave their lives and served to keep us safe. Hugs. Kris

  2. Thank you for sharing his story. He has been through so much and his love for God is beautiful. I thank him for his service.

  3. What a remarkable man. We remember our fallen soldiers and all those who worked and fought for our freedom here in Canada as well.
    We owe them all big a big debt of gratitude.

    Happy Remembrance Day.

  4. Not fair that they made him go back when still healing! Wonder if he still hunts?

    1. Rueben did go bowhunting a couple times during the fall of 2024. He was not successful though.

  5. Thanks for sharing Rueben's story, and yes--thanks to the veterans. My papa, who's 91, fought in the Korean War. Very proud of him. <3

  6. My goodness, what a story and what a life! My dad was a WWII veteran, shot down twice and proud of his service. Big thanks to all our veterans and current service members.


High Fives from Wisconsin!