About The River

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Spring has sprung a leak!

 Early Spring - Yuck - It is my least favorite season. We have a mess in the yard, and no place to play. I always moan when this season of mud, dog poop and dirt is around.
I will sing a happy tune, that it will not last long, the sun and wind will dry the ground. I soon will be out with my rake, all ready to make my yard pretty as a lake,cake...mm mm... can you help me finish?

1 comment:

  1. No help with finishing the rhyme, but I can commiserate with you. My mom always loved springtime best of all the seasons, but I see it as the muddy, woodpecker chips, dog doo-doo, branches and sticks all over the yard season. Fortunately, it doesn't last long. It seems to be about two or three days of spring and then we get summer and are complaining about how hot and humid it is. LOL


High Fives from Wisconsin!