About The River

Thursday, May 24, 2012


I still have a few of my toys from when I was growing up. I still have my lite-brite. I loved playing with it, designing fun pictures or making the patterns that came with. I recently helped Atticus make up one that says....


He enjoyed creating. We all enjoyed sitting in the living room admiring it. 
Did you have a lite-brite?
Do they still make lite-brite?

Have a wonderful day!

Your word is like a lamp for my feet and a light for my way.
Psalm 119:105    


  1. I thought Lite Brite was the coolest toy! I bought extra pegs and extra blank black pages so the kids could make up their own designs. Loved that thing. I have no idea where it went. Hmmm.

    BTW, I was hunting for your business card and was so disappointed that I couldn't find it ANYWHERE. This morning I found it in a book I was reading. I had used it as a bookmark. lol

  2. I loved Lite Brite. I have no idea if they're still sold. I love how you encourage and showcase your children's creativity.

    I had seriously thought about stopping in Cameron but we didn't have enough time. We were 15 minutes late to my daughter-in-law's graduation party as it was. I had wanted to leave the day before so we could take our time and stop and smell a few roses - including possibly stopping at your house - but Kiah couldn't leave until Saturday. Coming home I had a deadline as well. I need work on my time management. Hopefully it will work to stop by to see you another time. Thanks for the invitation.


High Fives from Wisconsin!