About The River

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Wildflowers of Upper Michigan

Jeremy and I celebrated our 15th Wedding Anniversary with a camp trip to the Porcupine Mountains, Upper Michigan. We did a lot of hiking and to our surprise, we found two rare wildflowers!
Pink Lady's Slipper
 Member of the Orchid Family: a single, large, pink flower. Habitat: dry, shade conifer woods.
Check out the following for more about this rare wildflower Pink Lady's Slipper
Wild Lupine
 Member of the Pea or Bean Family: a spike long, of blue pea like flowers. Habitat: dry, sandy soil in open woods, mostly in sunny fields or along roads, prairies.
Blue-eyed Grass
Member of the Iris Family: a collection of tiny blue flowers with a bright yellow center, individual flowers have 6 petals, each tipped with a small point, each flower group rises from a short stalk, which in turn comes from a longer leaf - like stem. Habitat: wet, meadows, roadsides, prairies.

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