About The River

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Feeding the Birds

I know it is hard to see because of the reflection. If you look up at the pine tree, you can see our cat Little B. He is busy watching me.  Little B is inside, I am outside. The reflection in the window made it hard for me to capture the photo of Little B watching me. What am I doing? I was busy feeding the birds.

This little  chickadee waited patiently while I filled the feeder.

Yum, a fresh snack!

"I wonder if the snow loves the trees and fields...
It covers them up snug, you know, with a white quilt;
and perhaps it says, "Go to sleep darlings, till the summer comes again."
Lewis Carroll

Chick a dee dee dee dee Fe be ~~ the song of the Chickadee
Do you feed the birds?


  1. What a lovely quote by Lewis Caroll. I had never read that before but it's quite lovely to think about. And, any attempt I've made at feeding birds has been highjacked by squirrels instead.

  2. Sharon K.

    I love feeding the birds, and we have so many varieties - chickadees, cardinals, blue jays, yellow and
    red finch, woodpeckers. It is a wonderland of birds! And, of course, a squirrel or two.

  3. Love your pictures! I put out lots of stuff for the birds this time of year... sunflowers and suet cakes. I just love the chickadees... not only are they adorable but they are such brave little birds~ they are usually the first to try out a new feeder!! :)

  4. I really need to get some bird feeders! I've been throwing some chicken scratch and sunflower seeds out for the birds lately, but I should get them a feeder as well.

  5. I really should, and I even have a feeder! I will put bird seed/sunflower seed on my shopping list for the weekend.

  6. Great pictures! My little boys love to watch birds out the window and love to fill the bird feeder!


High Fives from Wisconsin!