Welcome to the Hodgepodge
Joyce asks the questions
We answer the questions
1. Did you watch The Oscars? How many of the Best Picture nominees have you seen? (American Sniper, Birdman, Boyhood, Selma, The Grand Budapest Hotel, The Imitation Game, The Theory of Everything, and Whiplash)
No, I did not watch the Oscars.
I have not seen any of the following on the Big Screen. I am very excited to watch The Imitation Game. Several family members and friends went to American Sniper and enjoyed it.
Do you think actors should use their
acceptance speeches as an opportunity to promote their political and/or
social agenda? Does that sort of speech make you more or less inclined
to change the channel?
No, I do not think they need to use their acceptance speeches for that purpose.
2. Speaking of the movies... are you comfortable going to a movie alone? How about dinner in a restaurant (not fast food, but an actual restaurant)? The second half of this question was posed by Carrie who blogs over at It's Not Easy Being Queen. Thanks Carrie!
I have not gone to a movie alone.
And I have not gone to a restaurant alone.
I have gone to a coffee shop alone.
3. What's the last home repair or home improvement project you had to
pay someone to complete? In hindsight was this a project you could have
done yourself?
We are working on a home improvement project right as I type up this Hodgepodge.
We have a basement wall that is bowing inside and outside!
We can not tackle the project with out help.
The first person we called, never called back!!
The second person we called, was booked up with projects into Autumn of 2015!
We are working with our third person and so far so good.
A very positive man and very helpful with speaking to you in a way you can understand.
4. Have you ever had Indian food? Like it or no? If you're a fan, what's
your favorite dish? Have you ever prepared this yourself at home? Is
there an Indian restaurant in your current hometown?
No, I have not had Indian food.
I have been making dishes at home with Tumeric, which is native to India.
5. A song that reminds you of your parents?
My parents would sing this together and dance.
My sister and I would laugh and laugh.
6. The 26th of February is National Tell A Fairy Tale Day. What's your
favorite, or one of your favorite, fairy tales? Do you have any
childhood memories associated with a particular fairy tale?
My parents gave my sister and I a beautiful book of Fairy Tales. I am lucky to still have it. I loved the story of Thumbelina and the art work in the book still fascinates me.
7. What's a problem you solved yesterday?
My dog Molly, loves her daily walk. I try to give her one everyday.
Some days can be a little more tricky.
I solved it yesterday!
My husband and I had a meeting to attend regarding our basement. We had a few errands to run after. I needed to get home, do a few chores, make supper and head out for another meeting at 6:15pm. My evening meeting was just down the street from me, so I asked my husband to walk with me down to the meeting, so I could give Molly a short walk on a busy day!
And she thanked me with a snuggle when I got home.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
The sweetest savorings of life are often found in the small sips.
Sue Potts