Happy Mother's Day |
Welcome to the Hodgepodge
Joyce asks us the questions.
We answer the questions.
1. What's a phrase your mother often said to you? If you're a parent, is this something you now say to your own children?
" Did you turn off the lights?"
Yes, I do yell ask, "Did you turn off the lights?" to my kids.
Both my mom and dad would say, "Sleep tight, Do not let the bed bugs bite." before bed.
I always say that to my boys.
2. What is a scent you associate with your mother or your childhood home?
My mom loves the fragrance Wind Song. She always wears it and dabs a little extra on when going out with my dad.
3. What's an activity you remember always doing with your mother (or someone who was a mother figure in your life)?
My mom was my Girl Scout leader and the Head Leader of our area Girl Scout Troop. I remember taking many fun adventures with her during my Girl Scout years. I also remember her helping many other young girls. Several of the young girls came to our house for meetings and mentoring.
4. Flared jeans, maxi dresses, and jumpsuits are 70's fashion trends
back this spring. Are you on board? Which trend would you be most
inclined to try? For the men...flared corduroys, wide-collared shirts,
and floral prints...what say you?
A fun maxi dress
5. May 6th is Teacher Appreciation Day and also Nurse Appreciation Day.
Is there a nurse or teacher you have especially appreciated along the
way? Tell us why?
Mr. Heath was my High School Biology teacher. He was a fabulous teacher. He made learning fun. He loved the outdoors and he enjoyed taking his students out and about. He was very hands on. He was easy to ask questions and made time for students.
6. If I came by your house, what would I find on your frig door?
Eggs, Milk, Butter, Lemon Juice, Ketchup, Mustard, Barbecue Sauce....
I just noticed I read the question - What would I find IN your frig door! LOL
Okay, no I am not this messy. LOL
You would find
Milwaukee Brewers 2015 Schedule
Rice Lake Warrbirds Trap Shooting Team Schedule
Family Photos
Fun magnates of places we have visited
7. Princess Charlotte Elizabeth Diana made her royal entrance on
Saturday, May 2nd. On a scale of 1-10, how much attention did you give
to all the news coverage? 1=Who's Charlotte? 10=sat glued to the telly,
cuppa in hand.
My husband told me right away Saturday morning "It is a Girl!" I was excited to see the first photos and I could not wait to find out what they decided to name her.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
My cup is full. I would not trade
My job with any other,
Be it rich man, ruler, prince, or king,
I am my children's mother.
I found this poem in a 1963 Mother-Daughter Banquet Idea Book