About The River

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Happy Thanksgiving it is The Hodgepodge

Thanksgiving poppers ~ another past idea for a table setting for Thanksgiving. I made poppers, I will share more down in my answer  # 6 (in the random). I also made pumpkin pretzels. Dip pretzels in orange colored white chocolate and add a green M&M.

Candy Melt

It is Wednesday and that means it is time for the Hodgepodge.
Joyce asks the questions.
We answer the questions.

 1.  In a rut, in a jam, in the groove, out of synch, off balance, out of touch...which saying best fits some area of your life currently (or recently)? Explain.

 In the groove. We have our holiday plans all finalized for traveling to be with family. Other plans are falling into place for Christmas preparations.

 2. What is it about somebody else's style of work (coworker/employee/shared volunteer project/household chore) that makes you crazy? Why?

My buddy that I do our Meal on Wheels route with. We work two weeks on two weeks off. We will sub for each other if something comes up. Most of the time we try to schedule doctor appointments and vacations during our two weeks off.
My buddy on the the rotation, asks me the night of the next day to sub for him, if he needs. Drives me crazy, because I am a planner. He is not, so these are doctor appointments that he has known about for weeks!! He asks me the night of! Making it very difficult for me to sub for him.

 3. What's a tradition that always makes you feel at home?

Favorite foods, games, movies and stories.

 4. A favorite song with a girl's name in the title or lyrics? Any reason why this is a particular favorite?

This is my sisters favorite, it came to mind when I read the question. I am not sure why it is a favorite. I will have to ask her when I see during the Thanksgiving holiday.

5. Share a favorite quote, verse, or saying relating to gratitude or thanksgiving.
This is from my friend Anne at My Giant Strawberry
a reminder to stop and pay attention to the little beauties and graces that make life magical and to set aside time for gratitude each day

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

  What are Indian Corn Poppers? Well, you use a paper towel roll or toilet paper roll and fill it with treats. I used Kit Kat bars, stickers and added a question. We have a fun game called Family Dinner Table Topics. I had Sam and Atticus look for some fun questions to put into the poppers. Here is an example of some of the fun questions. Which wild animal would you like to tame and keep as a pet?  If you lived during the Gold Rush would you have journeyed West to strike it rich? If you could speak another language which would you choose?



  1. Fun answers! I especially enjoyed seeing your Thanksgiving poppers. What a great idea! (I was expecting to see something along the line of jalapeno peppers!)

  2. Carla,

    Growing up in England, we used to make Indian Corn Poppers but they were called Christmas Crackers. We even voiced the "pop" sound when we'd pull them apart. Yours turned out beautifully.


  3. This is sounding dangerously British, Carla. LOL Love the poppers idea. We've used Christmas Crackers a couple years that we received as gifts. I like the idea of making our own with the fun questions inside, but I might miss the bit of gunpowder 'pop' or whatever it is in the British ones. Shooting a 12 gauge might be a bit overkill for the sound, huh. LOL Anyway, this is a great idea. Thanks for sharing it. Sorry about your non-planner co-worker. That would drive me crazy too!

  4. I had totally forgotten about Brandy! you never hear it on the radio. So I have been listening to it while reading. The poppers are so cool!!! YES, I will make them, with the cool questions inside, too. I have no imagination, so thanks for the questions. We won't be home on Thanksgiving, but I am going to make them for Christmas!!! This will be so much FUN! You are so creative. Your pretzels are beautiful and original. Bless your heart for doing Meals On Wheels.

  5. I have never heard of the poppers. I may need to try that this year! Happy Hodgepodge!!

  6. I love the poppers and that your sons come up with great questions. Glad that holiday plans are falling into place. I am a planner also and your work partner would drive me batty! I like the pretzels - cute and easy.

  7. I like the poppers. That is something I can make and take to my daughters on Thanksgiving. Thanks for sharing it.

  8. What a good idea your Indian poppers are, they’re very much like our Christmas crackers. I share your love of favourite foods, games and stories, family time is the best time xx

  9. love the poppers - especially the addition of a question!!

  10. You always put some special touch to your celebrations and I like your poppers. We also have used Christmas crackers and everyone gets to wear a hat and get a little toy and a quote of some sort. I would buy then when they came on special as they were quite pricy.

    My favorite motto is "A thankful heart is a happy heart"

    Happy Thanksgiving.
    Hugs, Julia

  11. That is a cute idea with the Thanksgiving poppers. Your sister's song is one of my favorites, too. It takes me back to the beach on the back of a motorcycle when life was carefree and easy....
    Hope you have a good night. xo Diana

  12. These poppers for Thanksgiving are so fun. What a great idea. I love your sisters fave song too. Brings back memories. Have a great Thursday.

  13. Glad you are in the groove. I love your answer for favorite traditions. "Brandy" what a great song choice!

  14. Yummy pretzel treats! I remember hearing that "Brandy" song in the past--of course, I'm much too young to remember the original release. LOL. Have a great weekend!

  15. The Indian corn poppers are so much fun. I'd like to try to make them for Thanksgiving. The girls would love them. :D

    Brandy, you're a fine girl....now I can't get that song out of my head!!!! It's an ear worm!!!!

  16. I love the idea of the Indian corn poppers! Very fun :)
    I think I will make some of your pumpkin pretzels this weekend!

  17. Lovely to read your post ...
    I thought the Thanksgiving poppers a very good idea.

    All the best Jan

  18. Brandy is one of my favorites, too! I just like the tune...and the story. I wonder if your sister does, too.

  19. What a great idea to make the poppers for Thanksgiving Day! I just love that you can customize each one easily, and so fun to have the anticipation of a little surprise. I like to plan ahead as well, so sad that the other driver isn't better with planning too. A matter of prayer for sure. How wonderful that you have your Thanksgiving and Christmas plans laid out! Hugs to you today dear friend!


High Fives from Wisconsin!