My Garden! |
Hello my Friends,
At first I was not going to share this.. then I was going to go into full detail.. then I went back to I am not going to share this.. back and forth.
Blogging friends have been there for me, during sending off our first born to Basic training, to saying prayers during my dad's heart attack and so much more. I knew I needed to send out what is bothering me to all of you and the prayer I received from a dear friend.
Thursday, March 7th, I helped with my son's Warrbird Sporting Clay's team banquet. I have done this for the past three years, this being my fourth.
Each year I register those attending and I cashier as the silent auction is closed.
This year three men got into an argument behind me at the cash bar. I have no idea if they were drunk, if they hated each other or both. My helper and I looked at each other .. we had no idea what to do. The bartender just let it go on. We continued to cash out the silent auction.
It got worse.. they began to talk in such an awful way and moved closer to the table.
Then one of them shouted over our cashier table to another table.
Others just ignored what they shouted.
I had my chance to leave the cashier table when I was asked to help audit the evenings earnings.
You may be wondering "why did someone not do something?"
All I can answer is, I have no idea.
For me I was busy cashiering and the men began to bash women so badly, that I was fearful if I did turn around and say something.
For others, I am not sure if they had any idea how to handle the situation.
After the night was over, I cried. I shared everything with my husband. He was across the banquet hall helping with a raffle. He noticed it was very loud over in my area, but could not make out what was going on. I asked him if I am too sensitive? Should I be bothered by this? He said "Yes, NO ONE should have to hear what the three men were saying. All of it was wrong!"
I was shocked at how awful people can act at a banquet for young people. I was shocked at the language, the hate and sadly it turned towards hate of women.
This is probably why my co worker of the event and I just kept our head low and finished cashiering the people in the line. I got out as soon as I had the opportunity.
The reason I am posting this story is I was so upset. I was saddened that society can be so awful. And why do this at a benefit for a youth program.
Yes, I know it is an ugly world out there.
I do try to find the good in it daily. Thankfully it is not that hard in my little spot in the world. I have special friends, a wonderful blog community, special people I deliver Meals on Wheels, a great family and I could go on.
I shared this story with my dear friend Monday. I was still so upset. She said something very special to me "Carla, do not let this destroy your sweet spirit. Keep your sensitivity, keep your sweetness of life, do not let that be taken away from you."
But courage, child:
we are all between the paws
of the true Aslan.
~ C.S. Lewis
The Last Battle
It's a funny old world we live in these days, I too encourage you to keep your sweet spirit.