About The River

Thursday, January 7, 2021

Funny on Thursday


Have a great weekend my friends!





  1. Hahaha, this is a cute one.
    Have a great weekend too.
    Hugs, Julia

  2. LOL love it! Happy Friday have a good weekend. xoxo

  3. Hahaaha!! That sounds like my kids. Thanks for the giggle. xo

  4. Funny! My little Pixie is just a bit too heavy for me to lift onto the couch but struggles to get on to it herself as she's a sausage dog so has short legs so we have a ramp for her!
    Have a great weekend,

  5. Cute one! I can't imagine having a pet that couldn't join me on the couch for a cuddle. But I understand. ;-)

  6. Hello dear friend. I hope you have more of these "Funny on Thursday" posts this year. They are fun and just what we need in these times. : )

    Have a restful weekend.


  7. HAHAHA I needed this humor this morning. I love it!

  8. This is a cute one. Hope you're having a good weekend.

  9. So cute and so funny :)

    I hope your weekend was good, wishing you a happy new week.

    All the best Jan

  10. OK trying again ... seems when I go to comment here, I always hit something and the whole post goes away while I am still typing, haahaaha ... as I was saying, this is cute. Our two pets (Five-year-old Chiweenie Rizzo and Tuxedo Cat Sweetness, age 18 months) know where they're allowed to be, to. Well, Sweetness lives in the sun room. Most of the time she's allowed to wander about and sit in the big windows, but sometimes she has to stay in her three-level enclosed cat condo. My husband always tells both of them what a great big pot of jam they fell into when I rescued them. They do lead rather elite existences! Lots of comfort, plenty to eat, and loads of love! As it should be. xoxo

  11. Funny! I agree with Sheri above. I hope to see more "Funny on Thursday"!


High Fives from Wisconsin!