About The River

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Merry Christmas to You! And it is the Hodgepodge!!


An early Christmas gift. ♥

Happy Christmas Friends

This is the last Hodgepodge of the year. 

Joyce asks the questions.

We answer the questions.

Here we go!

Click here to join the fun! 

 1. Did you do more talking or more listening yesterday? Was it by choice or by necessity? 

I did more listening. My husband had a fun party at work during the lunch hour. He shared all about it during our ride into town to do some errands.

 2. Are you a tea drinker? Yes!! Hot, cold, or both? Both!! Flavored? Black, herbal and I have just gotten into drinking green tea. What do you like in your tea? I will take a little honey. Do you make Christmas tea this time of year? I do not.  What time of day do you like to sip your tea? After lunch and after dinner.

 3. What's an activity you won't try, an event you won't attend, or an athletic challenge you won't take part in not even for 'all the tea in China'

I do not plan to participate in a Polar Plunge. I cannot even think of what it feels like to have your bare feet on ice.

Yes... people do this sort of stuff in my state of Wisconsin. The lakes are frozen and they have to cut a hole in it for people to jump in and swim!!!

 4. What's something most people seem to love but is not 'your cup of tea'? 

Several friends watch the T.V. series Yellowstone. I only watched a little of it, and realized it was not my 'cup of tea.'

 5. How does your family celebrate New Year's Eve? 

The past few have just been us, my husband and me. We will ring in the New Year when we are ready for bed. Ha!

For the past several years we celebrate the New Year with a New Years hike, ski or snowshoe.

 6. Insert your own random thought here. 


 Merry Christmas!!!




  1. I enjoyed this. I’m with you on Yellowstone. Very disappointing. Another popular show that drove me crazy and stopped watching after a few episodes was Virgin River.
    Merry Christmas!

  2. Good Morning. Love all your answers and your sweet little ornament looks wonderful. Enjoy the next few days and then of course the big day. I cannot believe it is here already. Then we have the long months of winter ugh! Enjoy having Sam home and your family all together this year. Merry Christmas sweet friend. Kris

  3. Hello Carla, Yikes I wouldn't do that polar plunging, either. I cringe just thinking about it. We haven't watched any of Yellowstone. Those kind of shows seem to be a new kind of soap opera that you watch at night instead of in the morning. :) I hope you and your family have a very Merry Christmas!

  4. Merry Christmas, Carla! I'm with you: The polar plunge doesn't make any sense, and I won't do it. Enjoy the festivities and the rest afterward. :)

  5. Hello my friend! I am a coffee drinker but am fully stocked with teas and tisanes, and my Erica loves for me to make her a cup of tea when she visits. Often I will have tea in the afternoon because as a rule I only like coffee in the morning. Any show with excessive cussing is not my cup of tea. I tend nowadays to only watch shows from at least two decades ago and preferably longer. They were pushing the envelope as per usual but in shows like NYPD Blue for example, there is very very little profanity, if any at all. I love police procedurals. But one new show I've enjoyed on Hulu is Cardinal. He's a detective in Canada. Also I love Vera, and Midsomer Murders, and I've watched every episode of all the seasons of Endeavor, at least twice, hahaha! I am not the sporty type at all, but one thing -- well, two things -- I would never do is mountain climbing and skydiving. Just no. We don't make a big deal out of New Year's Eve AT ALL but on NYD this year I will make some special treats and invite the kids. Merry Christmas, Carla! Love you! xoxo

  6. Love that ornament! I never drank tea or coffee until about 5 years ago. I have a decaf coffee in the morning. You are so right, I would never do a Polar Plunge either. We did watch Yellowstone. We never liked his daughter. So do you plan one of those things on New Years this year? We do watch the TV shows and toast with champagne at midnight. Take care.

  7. Merry Christmas to you too! I'd never heard of a Polar plunge. It sounds horrible.

  8. We have friends coming for the new year's weekend and told them to bring their suits for a polar plunge. Of course this is South Carolina and not Wisconsin, but still can be chilly. We'll see how many opt to jump. Have a happy Christmas!

  9. It's hard enough just to keep warm, I'm with you with the polar bear plunge. It' doesn't make sense to me. I'd rather stay warm. I don't watch much TV and wouldn't even miss it if it was taken away. lol. I've never heard of the Yellowstone Show and had to look it up.

    Stay warm and safe. Merry Christmas and Hppy Ne Year.

  10. Oh I don't think I would ever consider doing the Polar Bear Plunge either, and I don't understand the people that do it. Have a wonderful Christmas!

  11. Merry Christmas to you and your family. The Christmas picture is so adorable! Thank you!

  12. Merry Christmas, Carla!! I hope you have wonderful family filled day!! (Ps- our beach hosts a polar bear plunge every New Year's Day at noon...we go to watch...never swim!! Brrrr!!!)

  13. Merry Christmas, dear Carla. I hope you have wonderful moments over the holidays.


  14. I hope you enjoyed a Merry Christmas ...

    All the best Jan


High Fives from Wisconsin!