About The River

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Happenings in May

 Hello Friends,

We have been hanging out with our family. 

I shared our Birthday party at Pattison State Park here.

I am going to share a few more photos from that adventure, starting with this cupcake. I used the recipe I shared from our Easter Cake, but this time I used raspberries.

Click here for the recipe!


Photos from our hike... beware of the snake!




On to the shores of Lake Superior.. freighter sightings!!  



Mother's Day Sunday we spent the day with the boys. We picnicked at Irvine Park in Chippewa Falls. Then we went on to visit Leinenkugel's Brewery. We sampled six beer flavors in what they call a, Craft Your Flight. 



We picked out the following beers or mixes...

Honey Lemon Light

Grapefruit Shandy

Patio Saison

Jacob Spring Brewery Ale

Fuzzy Bear ... which is a mix brewology of Juicy Peach + Berry Weiss

Bumble Bee ... which is a mix brewology of Honey Weiss + Dark Lager


Below I am reading the blends as we go around and try them.


Leinenkugel's gifted all mom's a Crowler to go. You got to choose the beer you wanted. I love the Grapefruit Shandy. It is very refreshing.

We ended our day with a walk at Big Falls in Eau Claire County. 



  1. Looks Like your birthday was a lot of fun and tasty. Nothing like fresh air and a good walk. Have a great holiday weekend. Hugs. Kris

  2. That was a lovely outing. I like a cold beer in summer to cool me down but'm afraid, I'm not a lover of craft beers. I have a few brands of beer that I like and I usually stick with them.
    Great photos and wonderful memories. The snake, however, gives me chills... even on a hot day.lol...
    Take care, hugs.

  3. What a fun day, the grapefruit shandy sounds delicious!

  4. Sounds like a delicious cupcake. Love the little flowers. No thank you on that snake! The water photos look lovely. What a fun Mother's Day. We use to love buying Leinenkugels. Those ones you tried sound tasty. Sounds like a great day.

  5. What a fun time! You sure live in a beautiful area. And I love seeing YOU in one photo, you look beautiful!

  6. That all looks so fun! I love seeing the water and you all hiking. That cupcake looked delish! How fun to go to the brewery. I would have picked the Grapefruit Shandy too!

  7. Looks like y'all had a great time. The scenery pictures are beautiful!

  8. Great photos, it sounds like it was a wonderful day. I love being by the great lakes, especially when a freighter is spotted.

  9. We love getting flights of beers sometimes. It gives you the chance to try different beers without buying a full glass. That snake would not bother me. I just hope no more rattlesnakes in our yard. That red freighter is technically a barge. It is the Great Lakes Trader. Once a freighter. they cut the back half off and add a tug to the back. I keep a log of all the barges and freighters. Been doing it for years. The black one is too far away for me to identify, but most of the black ones are from the American line. Janice

  10. Leinie's...yum! It looks like you had a great hike. Beautiful photos!

  11. Not too sure about the snake but Mothers Day Sunday looked very enjoyable.
    A very nice selection of photographs :)

    All the best Jan

  12. The cupcake looks devine! Yikes that snake.. overall looks like you all had a wonderful time.

  13. How fun! The mix brewology sounds very interesting. And tasty!

  14. Looks like everyone had a good time, but yikes the snake. I can't even go through the reptile house at the zoo. Really really hate snakes. Pretty flowers along the way.


High Fives from Wisconsin!