About The River

Monday, September 9, 2024

Sunshine and Pets



Hello Friends, our Penelope the cat and Ernie the dog love to soak in the sunshine.


Penelope's birthday was in late August she is 7 years old.


We were very lucky that she had no problem having Ernie come to live with us. They became fast friends.


Our pets match our rug. Ha Ha!


Tea pot's on, cups are waiting, favorite chairs, anticipating, no matter what I have to do, my friend, there's always time for you. 

Author Unknown


♫♪♫♪ I get by with a little help from my friends. ♫♪♫♪

John and Paul

Ernie's August Calendar Page... yes he loves to do zoomies.


Have a lovely week my friends.



  1. They are adorable!! And so good they have each other!

  2. They do look like besties. Too cute. Do you still have your hens? They had such cute names I recall, but I dont remember them. Janice

  3. Those two are so cute together. I am so happy they love being family members. Have a great week. Hugs. Kris

  4. Good Morning Carla. Sounding pretty cozy around your place. It would be nice to come and enjoy a cup of coffee and conversation with you on a nice cool day. Your pets are so cute and how awesome that they are good friends. After we had to have my little "Bella" put to sleep because of Cancer, we just have not felt like getting another pet. Pets can be such great company though. Hope your day is filled with All good vibes...

  5. How cute, I love that they get along so well!

  6. I love that! Reminds me of my dog and cat - Laydee and Susie. Laying in the sun together- true love.💕

  7. Well they are just adorable and I LOVE that rug! The fact that they match it is a bonus. Can you tell I'm decor obsessed? Hahaha!!

  8. It's so nice that Penelope and Ernie because friends right away. That doesn't always happen between cats and dogs. These are such delightful pictures, Carla, of your two dear pets just soaking in the sun on the rug. They look very content. I remember that song by the Beatles well. : )


  9. They really have 'the life'! They would love Florida...lots of sunshine! And squirrels to chase too! Enjoy your day my friend!

  10. Awww, Penelope and Ernie are precious together! xoxo

  11. Awwww...they are sweet! Our dog and cat do the same thing...even on warm days when I don't have the A/C on. Interesting.

  12. They are so adorable and I love that Penelope accepted sweet Ernie into the family. They do match the rug and are perfect together!!

  13. Aww aren't they lovely and so pleased to read they get on so well.
    Wishing you happy Autumn days.

    All the best Jan


High Fives from Wisconsin!