Last week was a week full of garden activities.
The Twilight Garden Tour is the North Country Master Gardeners BIG event.
The above photo is my friend Carol kicking off the event.
We had the following line up for the event..
We will have speakers from University of Wisconsin
including Brian Hudelson (Director of the UW-Madison Plant Disease
Diagnostic Clinic), Brian Smith (UW-River Falls Professor of
Horticulture), and P.J. Liesch (Director of the UW-Madison Insect
Diagnostic Lab) speaking about plant diseases, insects, and vegetable
gardening. There will also be displays and demonstrations including how
to create a Monarch Waystation, getting your garden soil tested, wine
tasting, and vegetable tastings. The Spooner Garden Club, Barron County
Master Gardener Volunteers, Cooperative Weed Management, Friends of the
Namekagon Barrens Wildlife Area, Hunt Hill Audubon Sanctuary, and our
Kids in the Garden program will be among the organizations and programs
The above photo is my partner in crime with putting on the Herb Demonstration. We had herb salts, herb sugar and herb infused water to try.
I started some basil plants around July 4th and made up little pots of them to give away.
That is me in the below photo.
It was a great evening, we had great weather and a fantastic turn out, the last I heard we were at 280 people! My garden group is a fun bunch of people. Not everything is perfect but we all work together to make it the best event we can. We were so pleased with how things went this season.
I enjoyed attending a Garden Tea last week as well. The month of August is time to show off our gardens, as everything is growing strong and many plants are blooming. And we have lots of fresh goodness to eat.
The presentation was on Herbs of the 18th Century, it was very interesting.
My boys enjoyed a camp trip to my favorite lake, Lake Superior.
They sent me a photo of the view they had out the tent door.
Sam brought me back some treasure, my favorite kind, beach glass and special rocks from the shores of my favorite lake.
I found this acorn on my morning walk.. Autumn is whispering "Hello"
This little guy was floating in the whiskey barrel pond with my fish.
"Summer was our best season: It was sleeping on the back screened porch in cots, or trying to sleep in the treehouse; summer was everything good to eat..."
Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird