About The River

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Goodbye July ~ Hello Hodgepodge!


Enjoying grilled pizza and a summer salad sitting out on the deck.

Hello Everyone, it is Wednesday and that means it is time for the Hodgepodge!

Joyce asks the questions.

We answer the questions.

Click here to join the fun! 


 1. July 25th is National Merry-Go-Round Day. Do you call it a merry-go-round or a carousel? I call it a Merry - Go Round. When was the last time you rode one? I think it was at the San Diego Zoo? Back in 2011!!  Did you enjoy that? Yes, it was fun!  Metaphorically speaking, what's something in your life right now that feels like a merry go round? Watering the garden. We have been so dry here, in fact we are in a drought here in Wisconsin. I finish watering the garden, all my pots and baskets and do it all over again and again and again.

 2. What word do you have a hard time pronouncing? Apocalypse What word do you have a hard time spelling? Oh dear, spelling is not one of my strengths, so I will have to say many!  What's your favorite word in another language? Spasiba ... Thank You in Russian. When I went on a missions trip to Ukraine in 2006, Spasiba was one word I had down and everyone did understand when I said it. Ha!

3. What's a phrase or cliche you use pretty often and find to be true?

Keep Calm and Carry On

4. When it comes to grocery shopping what is your most dreaded chore-menu planning, the actual shopping and paying, or the unloading/putting away? I enjoy grocery shopping. In fact when a new grocery store opened in Eau Claire, I took my friend Angie on an outing to it. Ha!  How often do you shop? We try to do a once a month BIG shop trip to the big city of Eau Claire. But every two weeks or so we will run in to our local grocery store. Do you use any of the pick up and/or delivery services? We do use Sam's Club delivery services.

5. Something you need or want to do before July comes to a close? 

Write and post a Hodgepodge... I am not always able to play along, but I try to once a month. This was the last week for me to join in.. I did it!

 6. Insert your own random thought here. 

My blog friend Ginny shared this on her blog post... I laughed... we all need a laugh... so I am going to share it here..

Never go to a doctor whose office plants have died.

Erma Bombeck   


  1. Your grilled pizza looks delicious. I tend to go grocery shop for small orders of groceries every week. I usually stock up on sale items I know I use regularly. I'll stop at my Co-op for things that I ran out on my way back to time. Our Co-op is only a few minutes away. I am not an impulse buyer.

    A phrase I use often, when things goes not as expected, Tomorrow will be a better day.

    I'm sorry about your drought. It rains a little most every day but this week at least, we are also getting a bit of sun in the mix of showers.

    Take care. Hugs,

  2. Thanks for liking the quote enough to use it! I love grocery shopping, too! I like finding new items! And seeing the new things that have been put out. I was so excited when they built a Wegman's about a half hour away!! It was like going to an amusement park for me!

  3. I remember that fun shopping day! My grocery buying life was changed forever! 😁

  4. Hahaha that Erma Bombeck is the best doctor office laugh! I use to work for an ENT guy. The office manager took loving care of all the beautiful plants. They let her go and his mean ole sister-in-law took over. The plants were sad. I am sure they all died too. Erma Bombeck was always a favorite of mine when my kids were small. She was hilarious.

  5. Yum on the pizza and salad! True, lots of watering to be done in the yard. Even thought we have sprinklers the heat has just been too hot. Keep calm and carry on is a good one! Love your random. Hope you enjoy the rest of your week.

  6. Spasiba is a cool word. I like saying "je ne sais quoi" -- French for "a certain something" as in, something that cannot easily be described. I enjoy grocery shopping and go once a week. I try to make it a positive outing because truth be told, I do not enjoy leaving my house. But I get all fixed up and go, and I park as far from the door as one can, in order to get steps in. I have always said merry-go-round and I feel like I'm on one with all of these birthday parties, haaahaha! xoxo

  7. Love all your answers and Oh boy that pizza and salad outside for dinner looks so yummy. We finally got some rain today. Hopefully more tonight. Not cooling things down but at least is is giving things water. Hope you are getting some of this rain. Hugs. Kris

  8. Yes I can see how watering plants would feel like a merry-go-round! I have a tough time remembering to water mine. Love Erma Bombeck's advice for choosing a doctor!

  9. Laughing about that statement at the end. LOL! Spasiba is a great word to use. We like Nahzdarovia, too. Loosely translated 'to your health'. Glad you made it to the Hodgepodge just under the wire this month! Happy day to you.

  10. Oh, I saw that on Ginny's blog as well. I'm so glad you like grocery shopping, Carla. Not one of my favorite things to do, but I always tell myself I am fortunate to be able to buy groceries. Isn't that something that some call it merry-go-round, and some call it carousel? To this day, I love riding the carousel. Spasiba is a good word in Russian. Your grilled pizza and salad looks delicious, and how wonderful to enjoy it on your deck. You are one of the few friends I visit with the hodgepodge. So many write a book, and you have simple and sincere and dear answers, my friend. Thank you for being you.


  11. Fun post! My favorite word is Albanian and it's fanilka. My mom used it to refer to my undershirt when I was little and I love it because it reminds me of her. She used to tell me to put my fanilka on under my clothes to keep warm in the winter. Of course, I always resisted because I didn't want anyone to see it when I changed for gym...so silly. Great memories, though. Thanks for bringing them to the surface today.

  12. This is one of the first summers where we're not in a drought. It took a while to really heat up here for some reason so maybe that's helped. I'm glad you made it to the HP!

  13. We might be getting a Blackstone grill so grilled pizza will be something we will do. I love pizza. I so love reading your hodgepodge answers. Janice

  14. I enjoyed your answers. That quote at the end is awesome.

  15. I love when you find a grocery store that makes shopping fun!


High Fives from Wisconsin!