About The River

Monday, July 3, 2023

Flag Etiquette


Happy Birthday America

Hello Friends, today I am going to share flag etiquette.

♥ Stand and face the American Flag

 ♥ Refrain from talking

 ♥ Men and boys shall remove their caps

 ♥ Hold your right hand over your heart from the first to the last note of the National Anthem, Taps, and for the first flag in a parade

Thank you for being a patriotic American.

 The countdown is on... Sam and the 157th will be on Wisconsin soil in August.

Thank you for the continued prayers and support.




  1. I know you can't wait!! How long has it been?

  2. I bet you are counting down the days!

  3. Happy 4th of July Carla! Love this photo of you and Sam, and just said a prayer for his safe return in August. love you, dear friend.


  4. Happy 4th Carla. I know you are so excited to have Sam coming home soon. That will be a beautiful celebration. Hugs. Kris

  5. Happy Independence Day Carla. My dad always told me the flag needs to come down nightly unless there is a light shining on it as well. Prayers Sam comes home safe and soon! Janice

  6. HAPPY 4th of JULY, Carla. It will be another celebration when Sam returns hon in August.
    Have a great summer. Unfortunately, I don't think that the flag etiquette is being taught much these days. A timely reminder.
    Hugs, Julia

  7. Wonderful. Too few people honor our flag as they should. Prayers for Sam's safe return to hearth and home! xoxo

  8. Thank you for sharing. Happy 4th of July and God Bless America! Keeping Sam in my prayers.

  9. Counting down with you my friend! Happy 4th!!

  10. Thank you for this!! Thinking of you as the countdown goes on!

  11. ... August will soon be here.

    All the best Jan


High Fives from Wisconsin!