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Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Happy Read a Book Day and it is the Hodgepodge!


Hello Friends, it is Wednesday and that means it is time for the Hodgepodge.

Joyce asks the questions.

We answer the questions.

Click here to join the fun!

 1. It's National Read A Book Day...whatcha' reading? What's a book you want to read? 

Three Sisters by Heather Morris is what I am currently reading. I plan to read The Tattooist of Auschwitz, also by Heather Morris.

2. Which is better...having high expectations or low expectations? Explain why.  

I live by low expectations. That way I can be pleasantly surprised, instead of disappointed.

3. Serenity is________________________.  

 When I am busy in the garden. My garden does not feel like work to me, it brings me joy. Even when I am at war with Japaneses Beetles.

4. What's  the most interesting thing in your purse or pocket right now?  

 I have a deck of playing cards in my purse. We have been known to get a good ol card game going if we have a long wait.

 5. What helps you calm down? 

A long walk.

6. Insert your own random thought here.  

Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.

Proverbs 4:23



  1. Great answers today, Carla! I tend to live by low expectations too. And I loved your random thought as well as the deck of cards in your purse!

  2. Carla, I loved your answers so much, especially the one about the Japanese Beetles. I'm sorry you are having that problem right now in your garden. I have a thing with the moths. They come in the Summertime, and even through the screen door, they sometimes fly in the house. Don't like them at all. That IS an interesting thing you have in your purse, the playing cards. Nature always calms me down too. The Proverbs verse is very special, and I'll remember that one.

    You are my favorite "hodgepodge" blogger, Carla. ; )


  3. What a great idea to keep playing cards in your purse!!

  4. I just commented as anonymous! I have no idea how that happened! I think it is a great idea to keep a deck of cards in your purse! I should do that!

  5. I'm always sipping at several books ... the two that come to mind are so disparate that they may make you laugh, but they are The Big Sleep by Raymond Chandler (love me some Phillip Marlowe) and 12 Rules For Life by Jordan Peterson. I tend to be a more high-expectation person, very idealistic, and it leads to disappointment so maybe someday I will learn to change. But I doubt it. Haahaha ... long walks help me to calm down too xoxo

  6. I should put cards in my purse. I like that idea and so often there is time to fill. I've read The Tattooist but not Three Sisters. I will have to look for that one. Enjoy your garden!

  7. That is something fun to keep in your purse! Love your random thought! Happy September to you.

  8. I'm glad you enjoy reading. It's a great way to relax and a good hobby. I like to read several books at a time like Jenny the pirate.

  9. I agree. I usually have no expectations at all. That way you cannot ever be dissapointed.

  10. Great answers. I can relate to a few. Your reads sound really good. Have a great rest of the week. Hugs. Kris

  11. Yes a long walk is a good way to calm down.

  12. No time for books for me alas. Nothing special in my purse, but having cards is a good thing to put in it. Janice

  13. Your answers are always so common sense. Like you, I feel gardening so calming and it brings me closer to God and I always have low expectations.

    Hugs, Julia

  14. You have some pretty good answers here. I love a good walk when I am upset...does the trick every time. As always, I need to lower my expectations.

  15. Interesting answers! I'm always amazed by those who enjoy gardening so much and find it calming or therapeutic or energizing. I'm different - I avoid it! Hope you have a great week!

  16. I loved your answer to #4, since playing card games can be so much fun.

  17. I could have guessed that you find serenity in your garden! And from knowing how much your family loves hiking, I can see that a long walk helps calm you down. I think puttering in the house calms me down and gathering stacks of cookbooks around me and planning menus from them almost always is my happy place. I'm reading a book on aging now but a book I recently read that meant so much is Rembrandt is in the Wind: Learning to Love Art Through the Eyes of Faith. No Japanese beetles here but locusts hiding in my pepper plants freaks me out!

  18. Of course your garden is your serenity. I usually have low expectations too. That is very interesting about the cards in your purse. Enjoyed your answers.

  19. I love taking walks and take a deck of cards on all our trips. Love your answers!

  20. I'm all about the walks!! We just returned from a vacation at the ocean and the best moments were spent walking in the sand. We saw whales and dolphins which was neat, but the peace was the most magical part! The books sound good!

  21. My happy place is my garden, too. As I am starting from 'scratch', I have much to work on there.
    We love our walks and we walk somewhere nearly every day even if it is on the trail by our house.

  22. I have that book on my Kindle. It sounds so interesting. I enjoyed your answers.

  23. I do the same with a good walk every day. Your garden is your happy place! I'll have to check out that author.


High Fives from Wisconsin!