About The River

Monday, February 12, 2024

When it is Below Zero


Our 2024 Northwest Wisconsin Winter has been strange.

No snow.

Mild Temps and when I say mild, 50 degrees.

Yet, we had one week of BELOW ZERO weather. And what does one do when you have negative temperatures?

You make luminaries and sun-catchers.



Fill your bucket with water, toss in your decorations.

 I used  pine boughs, pinecone, cranberries and oranges.

We taped another container down into the water to have it make our area for the candle to sit after freezing.


The sun-catchers are made by filling a pie tin with water. Place your string in the water, I placed an orange slice to hold my string in place to freeze. Again I used pine boughs, pinecone, cranberries and oranges to decorate my sun-catchers.


Below are photos of the finished luminaries and sun-catchers. 


 And at night...



 And then the warm temperatures arrived...






Joy is not in things, it is in us.

Benjamin Franklin



  1. Oh Carla these are so pretty. I’ve not ever seen anything like this. It never gets cold enough to do this. Such a fun idea. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Omigosh, Carla!! I LOVE these! I am off to pin these and now you've got this summer girl hoping for a little winter cold.

  3. Wow, it is so gorgeous!! But how sad that it does not last.

  4. These are so pretty Carla. I am so enjoying this spring like weather for February. Happy Valentines Day. Hugs. Kris

  5. Wow, I am so impressed. Those are so pretty.

  6. Very pretty luminaries. So sorry the warm temperatures melted them. I hope that the Cardinals could take advantage of the fruits and berries. I still haven't seen ant Robins yet. It feels like spring here too.
    Take care

  7. Oh Carla....I love, love, love this. So cute and cost nothing but time. Absolutely beautiful and thank your for sharing.

  8. I love those luminaries! I used to make them and I should try and revisit them! We hit 60º over the weekend and had snow today!

  9. So pretty! Not sure it's cold enough here in MA to have these last for very long. This year at least.

  10. What a fantastic idea for a suncatcher. Hopefully I can try this next year if it stays cold enough. Janice

  11. Carla, I love this idea! I didn't try it when we had our subzero temps, and I wish I had - yours are so beautiful! We've had a very very strange winter too - extremes in temps from cold to warm!

  12. They're very pretty - shame they only last for a short time. Although here it wouldn't be cold enough to create them at all.

  13. Oh, what a great idea! Thank you...I might borrow this. :)

  14. Oh my goodness Carla, those are so clever and wonderful! I'm glad it's not cold enough here to do that, hahaha xoxo

  15. They do look great, a lovely idea.

    All the best Jan

  16. A beautiful winter project! A winter bouquet of sorts!


High Fives from Wisconsin!