About The River

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Goodbye February and it is the Hodgepodge



Hello Friends, we are coming out of the deep freeze. Last week Wednesday our temperatures were in the single digits and below. Oh how good it feels to be in the high 30's and 40's. And now on to the Hodgepodge. 

Joyce asks the questions.

We answer the questions. 

Click here to join the fun! 


 1. February 26th is National Tell A Fairy Tale Day...have you read a fairy tale lately? What's your favorite fairy tale? Do you believe in 'happily ever after'?

My favorite fairy tale is Beauty and the Beast.

Yes, I do believe in 'happily ever after' ... my parents have been married 50 YEARS + ... it can happen, I know other couples that are married 50 years plus. It takes WORK, but yes, I do believe in happily ever after.


2. Complete one of the following sentences with a thought relating to your life currently-

  • Once upon a time___________
  • A long time ago________________
  • In a place far far away__________

Once a upon a time two little boys lived in this house.


3. Which of the following 'fairy tale foods' is your favorite? Which have you made/eaten most recently? 

porridge/oatmeal (Goldilocks and The Three Bears), an apple (Snow White), a gingerbread cookie (The Gingerbread Man), pumpkin soup/pie/bread (Cinderella), peas (The Princess and the Pea), beans (Jack and The Beanstalk) or a cup of tea (Alice in Wonderland) 


I love a good gingerbread cookie with a cup of black tea.


 4. What's your idea of fun? 


Hanging out with family and friends.

Anytime I get to spend time with my boys.  


5. Next week's Hodgepodge lands in March. Is that right? I guess so.  Give us one noun, one verb, and one adjective that tell us something about your February. To make you think a little harder, you cannot use the words cold or snowy.


 Noun ... Family 

We traveled to visit my parents a few times in the month of February.  

Verb ... Drive

We went for a two hour drive to visit my parents.

Adjective ... Bumpy

It was a bumpy ride to my parents, pothole season has arrived in Wisconsin.


6. Insert your own random thought here. 


God make my life a little light

within the world to glow

a little flame that burneth bright

wherever I may go

God make my life a little hymn

of tenderness and praise

of faith that never waxeth dim

in all His wondrous ways. 


Matilda Edwards


Monday, February 24, 2025




We who live in quiet places have the opportunity to become acquainted with ourselves, to think our own thoughts and live our own lives in a way that is not possible for those keeping up with the crowd.

Laura Ingalls Wilder


Wednesday, February 19, 2025

It is time for the Hodgepodge


Hello Friends, the photo above was taken in 2016.

 Let us all say "Hi, George, Tom, Teddy and Abe."

And now for the Hodgepodge.

Joyce asks the questions.

We answer the question.

Click here to join the fun! 

 1. Many of our earliest presidents created words or expressions widely used today. Teddy Roosevelt is credited with mollycoddle, pack rat, frazzle, and loose cannon...which of those words/phrases currently relates to your life in some way? 

I will choose mollycoddle. My boys are traveling this week. I cannot help but get that mollycoddle feeling.. praying for them to have a safe trip and a great adventure.


2. Have you visited many (or any) of the US Presidents homes, monuments, libraries or related sites? If so what's been your favorite? Are there any you particularly want to see? Here's a link to presidential sites listed by state which is kind of fun to read-Presidential Places by State. And since several bloggers who participate in the HP each week live outside the US, here's a link to Presidential Places Outside the US. Have you seen any of those? 


We visited Mount Rushmore in 2016. It was a great family trip. 

My husband and I do plan to visit several of the sites in Illinois in 2025. 

I have not visited a Presidential Library, it is something I hope to do.

My uncle and aunt do not live far from College Station, Texas. During our next visit to Texas to visit my uncle and aunt we could plan to go to the George Bush Library.

 3. February 20th is National Cherry Pie Day...will you celebrate? Given your choice of cherry pie, cherry cobbler, cheesecake with a cherry topping, or black forest cake which would you choose? 

No I will not. I am not really a big fan of cherry. If I did pick something out it would be a cherry turnover.

 4. Last time you worked a puzzle of some kind? Something that had you puzzled recently? 

My husband and I are currently working on a puzzle.

Oh many times technology has me puzzled. I will say "why is this doing this now, I have not changed anything or pressed anything and here it decides to go bonkers." 


5. Of the early blooming flowers (January-early March depending on your zone) which one's your favorite? 

snowdrops, lenten roses, pansies, violets, snapdragons, reticulated iris, crocus, winter jasmine

Do you have any of these in your own yard/garden? 

From the list we have snowdrops, violets and crocus in our garden.

My favorite spring flower is the daffodil. 


6. Insert your own random thought here. 


Next week we order our chicks. I cannot wait, it is always so much fun to go to our farm store and pick them up. "Peep, peep, peep." they say on the ride home.




Monday, February 17, 2025




Astonishing True Stories of Wrongful Convictions

John Grisham

Jim McCloskey

This read will have your mind spinning. It is heartbreaking. 

Tale Of The Tapes 

This story is about Ellen Reasonover... she was FRAMED. She spent sixteen and a half years of false imprisonment. 

Ellen did not give up. 

Most of those who were FRAMED did not give up. What I found fascinating was that many forgave those who FRAMED them. 

The Fire Does Not Lie

The worst story in the book is about Todd Willingham. 

February 17th 2004 Todd Willingham was executed.  

Wrongfully convicted and executed in Texas, this case is very disturbing.

The Absence of Motive

This is about Joe Bryan, this again is an awful story of how Joe was FRAMED. 

Joe refused to lose his Christian faith while in prison.

He survived hell behind bars, he says he survived the hell because of the strength he found in his faith. 

Joe has long since forgiven those responsible for his persecution. He will never FORGET the people, but he has FORGIVEN them. 

I find that amazing!

Have you read FRAMED? 

If so please let me know your thoughts?


Friday, February 14, 2025

Let's Make Something Wonderful .. part 2



My husband receives the credit for these homemade English muffins. This was the first time he tried making them. They turned out fantastic.


He receives credit for these homemade egg-rolls too.


Chicken Brown Rice Vegetable Soup... I get to take credit for this belly warmer.


When I was a little girl, I always wanted to be in the kitchen, because it was warm, and that's where my mother was.

Dolly Parton 


Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Let's Make Something Wonderful .. part 1


January and February we have been cooking and baking. Let us start with the sweet treats. Above you will see our homemade cinnamon rolls. Oh my, yes, fresh out of the oven, warm and melt in your mouth.


Banana bread.. loaves just the right size to share with loved ones. 



Gingerbread cake.. smelled up the house and tasted good too.

Did that make you hungry?

Wait until part 2!!




Monday, February 10, 2025

This and That



It snowed! Our first big snow fall since 2023... yep that is right. We did not receive enough snow to ski or snowshoe the winter of 2023/2024! The snowblower received a work out and so did my fella. I am happy we received snow, we need it for ground moisture come spring. And we will be able to go skiing!



I am starting a few plants using the simple method of snipping a plant and placing it in a jar of water.



Look at all the roots!!

"There ain't no rules around here" said Thomas Edison. "we are trying to accomplish something." 



Friends became grandpa and grandma... I found this fun gift wrap for the gifts I wrapped up for them to welcome baby.


The ski trails are open. My friend K hit the cross country trails on Sunday night with her boys. We plan to go on Friday. A Valentine's Day Date! 




Wednesday, February 5, 2025

In the Name of Love it is the Hodgepodge


My favorite Valentine, my mom made me several years ago.

It is Wednesday, that means it is time for the Hodgepodge. 

Joyce asks the questions.

We answer the questions. 

 Click here to join the fun!

 1. What area of your life feels like you're stuck in a Groundhog's Day loop, doing the same thing over and over? Does it bother you or is that just how life is in this particular season? 

Paw prints from the snow and ice on the wood floors. Ernie cannot help it, it is the winter season. If it drives me too crazy, I will do a quick mop. I would be doing this every day. I try to not let it bother me and say to self, "it is the winter season." It usually gets to me by the third day and out comes the mop.

 2. Something that makes your heart skip a beat? 

My husband, Jeremy. I am blessed to have him. He is my best friend.

3. Do you wear your heart on your sleeve or are you more of a closed book? Elaborate. 

I am in the middle. I use to be more on my sleeve. But as I have aged, I have become more of a closed book. 


4. According to Prevention Magazine, these are 25 of the best foods for heart health-

wild salmon, sardines, liver, walnuts, almonds, chia seeds, oatmeal, blueberries, coffee, red wine, green tea, soy milk, dark chocolate, raisins, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, sweet potatoes, whole grains, apples, oranges, grapefruit, avocado, avocado oil, olive oil 

Which five do you include in your diet most often? Are there any foods on the list you simply cannot abide?

The five I enjoy most often..


green tea

dark chocolate


olive oil

And what I cannot abide..





5. What was the last piece of furniture you bought? Is there a piece of furniture you need/want to purchase this year?

 Two arm chairs are the last furniture we bought.

We do not have plans for any new indoor furniture. I would like to upgrade our outdoor furniture.

 6. Insert your own random thought here. 



Monday, February 3, 2025

Getting His Nails Done



I had to pop in to visit our veterinarian to receive some quotes for a neuter and spay for the two kittens our son Sam adopted. While I was there I figured I would schedule Ernie's nail clip. 

Me .. "While I am here, I will schedule Ernie's nail clip."

Vet Tech .. "Oh my, is it that time already."

Me .. "I am afraid so."


Ernie is cute. He is a love bug. He will make you laugh. He will give you kisses. He will get cozy with you on cold days. He will bark when a stranger passes by, because he will do all he can to protect you.

But my oh my, don't plan on clipping Ernie's nails.

It requires TWO vet techs and a MUZZLE. It is in his file in BOLD INK!


Vet Tech .. "Yes, here we go, how about this date and time."

She gave me the date and time for Ernie's up coming nail clip.

And on the day of his nail clip..  she had the day off.
