About The River

Monday, May 2, 2011

Grilling Sirloin and Ribeye

Apply a light dusting of a grilling rub. We use Watkin's Black Pepper grilling rub. Rub in on one side only and let sit for a few minutes.
check out Watkins 
Place the pepper side up on a grill with nice hot coals.
Grill for about five minutes and turn.
Grill for about another seven minutes for a medium steak.
Adjust cooking time to your liking.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Carla. Samuel & Atticus look wonderful in that picture you sent to us. And, you look very pretty rafting in some river !!! Is it in Wisconsin? How is life? How is everyone at home? I am doing good. Will write a detailed letter to you soon. BR. S K Anand (Marquip)


High Fives from Wisconsin!