About The River

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

A Greenhouse in the Woods

A few of my posts I will be sharing some fun from this Spring. With the graduation party I fell behind in blogging. I have so many fun things to share with you, so here we go back to May.

One of my Master Gardner friends, Cindy, had a greenhouse built last summer. This spring we started our seeds for the cutting garden that we are planting together for the Twilight Garden Tour in August .. more to come about the Twilight Garden Tour .. she also cared for our pollinator plants for our pollinator plant sale we had May 19th, my post advertising the plant sale Annual Plant Sale.


 Our pollinators on 5/5/2018.

Cindy had her greenhouse designed to be a spot for her and her creative time working with plants. She found this lovely chandelier for her greenhouse.

 A greenhouse in the woods.
I just love the way it looks as you drive up her wooded driveway.

Take a peek at the top of the greenhouse, look at the beautiful detail Cindy had added. Her greenhouse is a special place for her. It is truly a beautiful site as you drive down her driveway.



  1. That is awesome! I am very jealous! What a great special place to spend time with nature!

  2. That really is nice and so attractive.

  3. That is so awesome, I would love a green house like that!

  4. Oh, now that is truly wonderful! I'm very jealous!! I have a pop-up greenhouse, but I never seem to be able to find a good spot for it here. Plus, I'm always afraid it will blow over. So, my sunroom is my greenhouse, which is awesome, too. But that greenhouse is special, indeed!

  5. How fabulous is this greenhouse and of course the wonderful chandelier just makes me swoon. Very sweet and creative place for sure. Happy New Week Carla. Glad the graduation party was a success and everyone enjoyed celebrating together. Have a super great week.

  6. What a dreamy spot!! The chandelier is the icing on that beautiful greenhouse cake...

  7. Oh my! I love it! A chandy in the greenhouse? How beautiful is that! I need one of those in my bathroom! Hugs!

  8. Wow, what a beautiful greenhouse. So grandiose with the chandelier.
    Hugs, Julia

  9. That is stunning! I bet it's gorgeous lit up at night with that chandelier. I'd want to throw parties in it!

  10. That is such a neat greenhouse! I bet you enjoy every minute you get to enjoy that space!

  11. Oh Carla! I want a greenhouse just like her's. It is beautiful. I love the chandelier. Makes my little greenhouse look like a shack. :)

  12. It looks very good indeed!

    All the best Jan

  13. Thanks for sharing. I have another tip here - use a temperature controller to maintain a stable environment in your greenhouse, which is great for your plant growth.


High Fives from Wisconsin!