About The River

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Happy St. Patrick's Day Hodgepodge



Happy St. Patrick's Day

It is Wednesday and that means it is time for the Hodgepodge! 

From this Side of the Pond 

Joyce asks the questions.

We answer the questions.

Click here to join the fun! 

1. This week's Hodgepodge lands on St. Patrick's Day. Will you wear green? I will! I am delivering Meals on Wheels this week. Celebrating the holiday will bring smiles. Eat corned beef and cabbage? Corned Beef and Cabbage is on the Meals on Wheels menu for today. My husband will make us Reuben's for dinner. Drink green beer? No Have you ever been to Ireland? No Is it on your travel 'bucket list'? Yes!!

 2. Something you think is 'worth its weight in gold'? 


 3. Something that makes you 'green around the gills'? 

Unpleasant Odors

 4. What puts a 'spring in your step' these days? 

Making plans to celebrate upcoming birthdays!!

 5. Write a limerick using one of the following as your theme....March, St. Patrick's Day, Covid, 2020 and/or 2021, the color green, or life lately. Yes, you can do it. 

There once was a Twenty year old,

 who said, "Let's be bold!

 I will keep chasing my dream

  and making whipped cream

Until I turn Twenty one years old.

 6. Insert your own random thought here. 

My husband got into writing limericks as I was writing mine. Here is Jeremy's debut on the Hodgepodge with his limerick.

 there was a man who turned twenty
who thought he had plenty
then covid hit
He said thats it
my bank account is empty


  1. Hey hodgepodge neighbor! A rueben sounds like a delicious idea for dinner! I also loved both your and your husband's limericks. Well done!

  2. Family certainly is worth their way in gold...I agree! I have an about to be 21 year old, too. Fun times!

  3. Love the Limericks! Happy St. Patty's Day! Janice

  4. I love Rueben's. Unpleasant orders is a good answer. We still don't get to celebrate much here in California. I like your limerick and enjoyed Jeremy's too!

  5. Fun to read both limericks. :) And...now I want a Reuben! Sheesh, I went way too material for my weight in gold answer. Happy St. Patrick's Day to you and yours!

  6. I loved both of your limericks!! How fun that hubby participated!

  7. Cute limericks! I love that Leprechaun cookie!

  8. Haaahaha those are some funny answers. I'm sure you brought many smiles as you delivered corned beef and cabbage to the MOW folks. And Jeremy's Reubens! Sounds so good. I am Irish but I did not wear green today. Wuuuut? Haaahaha xoxo

  9. That cookie looks good! I enjoyed your limericks too!

  10. I love both your limericks too, lol, and the leprechaun cookie too. Happy St Patrick Day, a day late.
    Hugs, Julia

  11. The limericks are so cute and fun. Hope you had a great day yesterday for St. Patty's day. xoxo

  12. Both limericks are amazing! You should definitely go to Ireland. You will love it. I bet you made all of your clients so happy yesterday!

  13. Fun limericks! I agree--family is truly worth its weight in gold.

  14. Fun that your hubby joined in! Well done both of you.

  15. A very nice St Patricks Day Hodgepodge post.
    My good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  16. I love a good limerick. I think a leprechaun has been eating my comments. I love a good cookie too.

  17. That is the cutest St. Patrick's Day cookie, Carla. I want to have a bite with my coffee. Just catching up on my favorite blogs this morning. I chuckled when I read, "unpleasant odors." That bothers me too. ; )

    Have a restful weekend, dear friend.



High Fives from Wisconsin!