About The River

Monday, March 22, 2021

Spring Cleaning on the Blog!


Spring is here. Our trees are starting to bud. I have tulips and daffodils peeking up in my south facing garden. Robins and Red Wing Blackbird are visiting our yard. I can hear a Sandhill Crane in the distance as I stroll along the yard, inspecting plants and starting to make my outside to do list. My soil and yard is very wet and the frost is not completely out of the ground. I must be patient.. the time will come to get outside to start the Spring clean up.

That my friends brings me to the Spring Cleaning on the Blog!

First, THANK YOU for the patience you have had with leaving comments. I know many of you struggled with in the writing of a comment on my blog, it would disappear. POOF!

Many of you shared your frustration in a fun way. Kathy B said it best, "I think a leprechaun has been eating my comments."  

I think I solved the problem by doing some cleaning on my blog site.

Thank you again for the kindness and patience. I do love reading your comments. I am in hopes my spring cleaning did the trick.




"Long live the sun which gives us such color."

Paul Cezanne 


  1. I don't think any of mine ever disappeared, at least not that I know. Strange. You must be very good at tech stuff to have fixed it!

  2. Hello Carla! We had snow today - 2" of it! But, it has mostly melted, and we will have sunshine tomorrow, such is spring weather! It always feels good to spring clean things. Hoping your commenting issues are resolved, those are difficult and pesky issues for sure. We are all looking forward to springtime here as well! A very exciting time of year :) Many blessings to you!

  3. Hello Carla! I am finally able to find you after the many times you've come to my blog to comment; I had always wanted to return the visit but was unable to get to your blog when I clicked on your comment. I finally found you via Junk Chic Cottage and here I am! Many thanks to you for your support of my blog and for coming over so many times. I do hope you are well and that spring will appear soon in your neck of the woods!

  4. I love that quote and may use it! heehee! I had a lot of links on my sidebar that was going out and updating and causing problems. I need to go through again and delete more. But who has time? Enjoy your day! Thanks for always leaving me such sweet and encouraging comments! Hugs!

  5. Hi Carla, I've never had problem with disappearing comments on your blog but I do have that problem with one of my follower's blog. The comment disappears as I'm typing.

    I still have some snow in my yard and where the snow has melted, it's very wet. Can't work in the yard either. The ice is still on the river. We are having another gorgeous day.

    Take care,
    Hugs, Julia

  6. I didn't notice any issues. I'm glad you've figured it out. Our trees are budding too!

  7. Beautiful picture...

    Our tree buds have not yet begun to break out. One day, they will begin!!!!! And then, the green will burst forth. -smile-

    Was thinking, I should take a pic of the trees across the road.... And keep taking such, as they bloom.

    Hooray for blog Spring Cleaning. Hope your issue has been solved.

    "Miss BB"

  8. I am very impressed by your ability to fix things on Blogger! It seems so hard to find the setting or the code to correct problems. I bet you can't wait to be digging in your garden. I guess you have a ways to go way up north!

  9. I'm just so glad I found a way to comment on your wonderful blog, Carla. Sometimes it good to do spring cleaning on our blogs. That's a pretty picture of the lamp post. I'd love to see the Robins in your yard, and those red wing black birds are so unique. Have a terrific week, my friend.


  10. LOL now that St. Paddy's Day if over the little Leprechaun can go away and leave your blog alone!!! Have a great new week. xoxo Kris

  11. Carla, as I type and see that I am the first comment, I wonder if that is true or if my comment will pile up with many others in the black-hole of the internet. Blogging problems can be such a nuisance, I hope you get, this just to know that your blog is working again. Here's to a lovely spring and a health blog :)

  12. Oh good!!!! Im so glad I can leave a comment. I love the RIVER. Did I ever tell you that a very very tiny boy was born prematurely. I took care of him as a newer nurse. His parents sat down the night after he was born, with a book. And mom started, "The Wind in the Willows," chapter one. He did make it . HE stayed with us for more than 6 months. But I always think of him with The Wind in the Willows

  13. I'm so excited for the yard to dry out so I can start cleaning the flower beds and making way for all the new growth! Soon!

  14. Robins and red wings here too! The swans and egrets are due back soon. Janice

  15. That was definitely a cute comment. I'm waiting a little while to see if this comment stay here like it should. (Seems like it stayed)

  16. Well I'm glad you got it sorted but I haven't experienced problems with commenting.

  17. You are so kind. It is Spring here in East Texas as well. The red buds are gorgeous and the trees are budding out. Have a good evening and a great rest of the week.

  18. Glad your blog issue is resolved. I am so glad Spring is here, it seems like winter was so long this year. Each morning I hear the birds chirping away and it makes my heart happy. Oh how I wish we could switch...I would gladly clean your house for you to work on my yard! Have a great weekend friend :)

  19. Oh Carla, thank you so much for your comment on my latest post!!!!!!

    So, so, so true! Hydroxychloride and Ivermectin both help people to recover from China/Covid!!!!!!!!!

    But Big Pharma must be paid for the brand new and unique and not fully tested vaccines.

    So it is made VERY difficult, to be treated with these long used and safe medicines. But not impossible....

    And by the way, we don't like the idea of being Guinea Pigs, for these never before used vaccines. Even if a lot of people do...... -smile-

    Ivermectin... https://twitter.com/Covid19Critical

    I seem to have forgotten the *magic* way, to leave a click-able link. -sigh-

    Gentle hugs...

  20. I'm so glad your weather is turning fine. Happy Easter, Carla! xoxo


High Fives from Wisconsin!