Hello Friends, it is Wednesday and that means it is time for the Hodgepodge.
Joyce asks the questions.
We answer the questions.
1. What are some memories you associate with spring?
Growing up we always had high water from the snow melt on the rivers and streams. We have a little stream on my parents farm. The water was only really flowing during the spring. I have some fun memories with my sister as we made homemade boats and put them in the stream. We would run as fast as we could to the culvert to see if our little homemade boat would make it.
2. April showers bring May flowers...was that saying proven true where you live? Snapdragons, anemones, carnations, lilacs, sweet peas, tulips, lily of the valley, orchids, roses, gardenias...which one on that list is your favorite May bloom?
Yes, that saying is true where I live. I am very excited for the lilac season. Our driveway is lined with our neighbors lilac. On a warm spring night it is heavenly to sit outside and soak in the scent of lilac.
3. What are your top three distractions and how do you deal with them?
1. Tackling something I enjoy to do.. over the thing I do not. I make a To Do List each day. Sometimes that job that I really do not want to do will never get done. I am trying to discipline myself to do the not so fun jobs with in the week I put them on the To Do List.
2. Checking my local news feed and getting caught up in current events. I have been working hard on this distraction, I want to find a good balance for my mental health. At times I say "I am never watching/checking the news again.
3. If a certain current event upsets me, I can fester on it. I will want to know " IS ANYONE DOING ANYTHING ABOUT THIS" ... and I will waste time trying to find an answer that I like. I am dealing with this distraction by instead of festering and wasting time looking it up for answers, I am putting it on top of my prayer list.
4. Do you eat beef? In the course of a week, how often is beef on the menu? A hamburger, steak, prime rib, or a roast beef dinner...which beef entree would you choose and yes you have to choose. Unless you're a vegan, and then you may pass.
I do eat beef. We usually have it once or twice a week. Monday we had tacos and used ground beef as one of our toppings.
I do enjoy a grilled to perfection hamburger, with a slice of Wisconsin Colby cheese melted on top.
5. In what way were you creative during the month of April?
I made my Easter cards. I have a fun collections of stamps, paper, markers and more.
6. Insert your own random thought here.
I let a certain current event bother me last week. It really got me down. I started to worry about the future for my boys. Everything seems so ANGRY!!! I was reading my devotional and the following really stuck to me. I wrote it on an index card and placed it by my computer. I also shared it on my Monday post. If you are feeling a wee bit wobbly as we continue to navigate these strange times, I hope you find encouragement from it.
You are not lost at sea in your trial. You're trusting the wisdom of your Captain, who remains at the helm.
A great reminder. I too am frustrated and sad about so many things going on currently in our country. Keeping 'news'and social media to a minimum helps. Prayer reminds me who is in control. Have a nice day!
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh. Your burger sounds amazing!!!
ReplyDeleteOh, your random thought is wonderful! I am going to copy that down and put it by the computer or the phone. Thanks so much for sharing that.
ReplyDeleteGreat thoughts on distractions in #3 also.
Enjoyed reading your answers so much!
I love your spring memory...too many children have to idea how we had fun and it was FUN! So much sadness in our country/world today. My mother gets angry at me when I tell her I don't watch the news; too depressing but then Mom says you need to know what is going on in the world.
ReplyDeleteRandom thought absolutely love and so very true.
I love your random thought--not really random :) It's just truth.
ReplyDeleteI make a to do list almost every day, too. It really helps me stay on task and actually gets something done.
Enjoy the rest of your week.
Now I want a cheeseburger! The news just gets worse and worse, we can only take so much. Can I ask what devotional you use? I loved the quote.
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful poppy!
ReplyDeleteWe have to protect our Health, from the stress, which can overcome us, at this time. The political, "Woke", so-called-expert-Pandemic-advice, etc. Not easy, though...
That sounds like fun with the boats on the stream. I love Lilacs. How wonderful to enjoy the scent of them. I never watch the news. I actually have to leave the room when Mark is watching it. I liked when my dad would call me with the big stuff like a hurricane, tornado, etc. Then I would turn on the news to see what's up. Way to go on making your Easter cards. I do find encouragement from your random thought quote.
ReplyDeleteGlad we have a good Captain at the Helm! What a sweet memory of Spring you had. Where's the Beef? sorry...couldn't resist! Hope you have a nice end to the week!
ReplyDeleteI can really associate with your random thought. This world today is so unbalanced.
ReplyDeleteCurrent events have made me extremely anxious. I like that you are trying to find a balance between knowing what is happening and not dwelling on it or letting it get you too upset.
ReplyDeleteWhat a fun childhood memory! I try to stay off the news as much as possible. I have been crafting and I used stamps, watercolor and a few other things. Yes we have to trust our Captain!
ReplyDeleteSometimes you have to shut down the outside world and think about your own blessings and good in your family. We are living in a different world than we grew up in. I hope and pray our kids while growing up in different times will still make their tomorrow great by the life and values we have raised them in. Ha ha I have to agree with so many here I have a taste for a good burger now!! xoxo
ReplyDeleteThat smell of lilac is so heavenly. We've brought some into the house. I'm waiting for my big front trees to bloom. You can smell them from the sidewalk. I loved the story about you and your sister making boats and racing them down the stream!
ReplyDeleteYou forgot the best part of a to-do list - checking things off! It can get frustrating when you have to put yesterday's "not done" item back on the list again today, but it's such a relief to check off that big "don't want to do" item! :)
ReplyDeleteMay you check many things off of your list today! :)
Spring has sprung and I've been so busy decluttering the office and shredding old papers that I've been away from the computer a lot.
ReplyDeleteI'm envious that the lilacs are already in bloom. Mine is a Lady Kim, and it will bloom later.
I'm keeping news to the minimum as it sickens me to listen to it. I've been praying more.
Stay safe and well.
Hugs, Julia
I am concentrating during these frustrating and terrifying days, on what I know to be good and true and right. I water my flowers and enjoy their beauty. I read uplifting things and listen to the Bible being read as I take my walk. I play with my little dog and cat. I there were not so many disappointments and problems and issues, but since there is so little I can control, I am making a concerted effort not to worry so much. I do not intend to life my life in fear of ANYTHING ... least of all a "plandemic" or corrupt godless politicians. xoxo
ReplyDeleteIt's so hard not to be angry from what's happening in our country, and I don't like how I have been struggling with anger. Your post has really encouraged me, and I thank you for it. I also enjoyed reading about your childhood memories. :D
ReplyDeleteAlways a great post to read, Carla. I hear you about the anger and frustration. I have been digging into some redecorating projects lately. That's been my solace...
ReplyDeleteThese are some neat questions.....I do not like beef, and I really do not like Chicken. I'm not a vegetarian, but I really do not eat much meat. I try not to listen to the news, as it is very depressing to me. I think the media really hypes up bad things. I am a positive type person and by not watching the news, I am able to stay focused on good things.