About The River

Monday, April 5, 2021

The Little Garden That Could 2021



Hello Friends, Seed starting has started here at The Little Garden That Could.

My helper? Penelope .. who looks as if she is a chicken on seeds.

I like to get everything ready when I set out on my seed starting day. I have my seeds, my garden journal, my seed starting soil, buckets, jiffy pots, trays, water can, spray bottle and table with heated seed mats all set up. I will write down the date I started the seeds. I will continue to record how the seeds germinate, when I harden them off, plant them in the garden and how the plant does for the season. 

I have a tub that I put my seed starting soil in. I get the soil moist to fill my jiffy pots.

This is my first year using jiffy pots. I like the idea that I can just cut the pot and place the plant into the next size pot, with out causing damage to the roots of the seedling.

I always like a seed starting refresher. No matter how long one has been gardening you can learn tips and tricks each year. I completed the Floret 2021 Winter Mini Course.

Click here for more information.

I also enjoy learning from Tonkadale Greenhouse.


I will start to get very busy in the next few weeks. As my seedlings need transplanting, hardening off and then their big day when they are planted in the big garden!

 Soon I will be creating bouquets as I kick off another growing season here at The Little Garden That Could and filling the Flower Shack with bouquets.

 I want to share with you a sweet note that was left behind in the Flower Shack at the end of last season. 

As I move out of the neighborhood I have to say thank you for how much joy your flowers have brought our family. The first bouquet of the year always is something we celebrate every year. On my darkest days your flowers bring sunshine into my home. So many celebrations have been greeted with a bundle of your flowers.

Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!

On the days that I get tired of bugs, the weather and a sore back.. I remember that my Little Garden That Could is making a difference in my neighborhood. As I get excited for the 2021 season, I will continue to do my best to offer a lovely and beautiful bouquet.



  1. What a sweet note! I'm sure your flowers help so many people. You're such a dedicated gardener!

  2. What a lovely note, and what a lovely thing it was, for her to leave that, for you!!! Like you said, it makes all the work involved, be a little lighter.

    And what a detailed job you are doing! I doubt many do, but it certainly must pay off, for those who do.

    Best of luck with your "Little Garden That Could"!


  3. How wonderful that you are getting your garden ready, Carla. That is such a nice letter that your neighbor left when she moved. I look forward to seeing what you plant this year.

    Have a sweet day.


  4. This is amazing! What a wonderful idea you created for your community. I can't wait to see the garden from this prep stage to the blooming-in-the-beds stage! You are so organized, too. I am so scattered. I think your way is better!

  5. What a beautiful note. I'lll bet those flowers are so appreciated. I see lots of intelligent choices. You made a diff in your neighbors lives

  6. That note is just everything, Carla. I know how excited she must be, since your flower pictures make me feel the same way. I can only imagine how it would be to drive down the road, see them in person and know that I could take a bit of that sunshine home with me. xo

  7. That letter is so sweet. You are too sweet! I love how organized you are. Best of luck with your garden this season.

  8. You are spreading so much JOY and uplifting so many!!!

  9. I need a few lessons from you on starting seeds and growing plants in a greenhouse. I haven't started the first seed yet. I did sugn up for the mini course. That is such a sweet note. How nice of her to leave it.

  10. Hope you had a lovely Easter, dear Carla.

  11. Ohhhh what a great heartfelt note from one of your flower recipients. I know that makes your heart sing that all your efforts in your little garden that could brings such joy to others. I wish I lived closer to enjoy the beautiful bouquets that you have in the flower shack. Bravo my friend that you are beginning another beautiful season of love, joy and beauty. xoxo

  12. I bet the flower shack did mean so much last year, especially given the lockdowns. I can't wait to see your pretty flowers as you harvest them and make arrangements. :D The Little Garden That Could encourages your online neighborhood, too!

  13. Oh what a nice note from your neighbor (too bad about the move). I'm getting excited about the growing season ahead. So warm, so early. We hit 80 today. So many plants are emerging the blooming now--I can't keep track! I'm glad we'll have a bit of a cool-down, so the blooms will last a little longer. :)

  14. I've never heard of a heated seed mat. We finally found some plants that would thrive in the heat here last summer. It's challenging because while many can take the heat they just cook in the really sunny parts of my yard. We do mostly pots here due to our landscaping, but we do have many blooming shrubs I adore. Good luck with your garden this year.

  15. Methinks your garden, and the Flower Shack, are a ministry! God has blessed you with a great talent, and the results of it in turn glorify Him. I have no such talent so I can't wait to see pictures of the fruits of your labors. xoxo

  16. this is such a sweet post....Everyone loves flowers and what a beautiful smile they can put on peoples faces. My beds are cleaned out....waiting to get started planting....Enjoy the rest of your week.

  17. Such a lovely note.
    I wish you good luck with your garden this year, I'm sure all will go well.

    All the best Jan

  18. What a wonderful note. You are truly a blessing to your community!

  19. Getting the sweet note really is icing on the cake! How nice! You're spreading sunshine my friend!


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