About The River

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Ahoy Matey it is the Hodgepodge


Superior, Wisconsin

Wisconsin Point Lighthouse


Hello Friends,  it is Wednesday and that means it is time for the Hodgepodge.

Joyce asks the questions. 

We answer the questions.

 Click here to join the fun!

 1. What's a task you do on a regular (or semi-regular basis) that feels like it should be an Olympic event? 


Doing dishes... 


 2. What's in the trunk of your car right now? 


A picnic blanket, a regular blanket, a dish to put water in for our dog, a towel to wipe our dog off and reusable grocery bags. Ope... jut remembered a packable cooler.


 3. Summer foods vs. fall foods...which do you prefer? 


We do not grill all year around. I love grilled food, so I will go with summer. I also have all the fresh vegetables and fruits  from  our garden to create delicious salads and more. 


 Would you rather-watermelon or caramel apple? watermelon  iced coffee or pumpkin spiced latte?  iced coffee potato salad or sweet potato casserole? sweet potato casserole barbecued ribs or roast turkey? barbecued ribs ice cream sandwich or apple pie? apple pie corn on the cob or candy corn? corn on the cob

 4. August 7th is National Lighthouse Day. Have you visited any lighthouses? Yes, we have visited several lighthouses along the shores of Lake Superior and Lake Michigan Do you have a favorite? Copper Harbor Lighthouse, Michigan Is a lighthouse something you seek out if you're visiting an area known for theirs? Yes

5. Light at the end of the tunnel, out like a light, give the green light, a lightbulb moment, in a new light, in the limelight...of the 'light' idioms listed which applies in some way to your life lately? Explain. 

 Out like a light... we have a large garden and we harvest and process our fruit and veggies. A few of our goodies that we have processed.. dill pickles, froze raspberries and blueberries. We will be making jelly from our Ariona berries that should be ready for harvest in a day or two. 

Other goodness to process..



can our green beans and carrots

and dig our potatoes.



 6. Insert your own random thought here. 



 I don't know where I'm going but I'm on my way.




  1. I've never been to any of the Great Lakes but would love to see one someday. That's a part of the country I haven't traveled. I'd love to get to Mackinac Island too, so maybe one of these days. Your garden is fabulous! Have a great day!

  2. What are Ariona berries? I need to google!! Two sets of our friends have just spent 2-3 weeks on Lake Michigan (not even traveling together). They said the weather was amazing and they are ready to go back! It has been oppressively hot and humid here and they said it was so pleasant there!

  3. I love that little turtle...so fun! I have NEVER seen a lighthouse! can you believe that? We are just not in an area where they might be and it seems like all of our travels have mostly been to the beach in Florida or to the Fabulous mountain areas. I would love to see one and also to visit the East Coast as well as the Great Lakes. Berries....my husband grows thousands of thornless berries at the Nursery, but do you know...we do not have a single berry bush in our yard. Sweet Blessings on this wonderful Wednesday.

  4. I have never seen an actual real lighthouse, it would be so cool to! Man, that is a long ship!!! so you don't have a dishwasher? I thought I was the only person left who doesn't have one.

  5. I picked "out like a light" also.

    In the most recent part of our vacation (Sunday and Monday) we were visiting friends in the heart of Amish and Mennonite country. I found a package of freeze-dried raspberries in a Mennonite market and I think they will be wonderful in things like muffins and scones.

  6. Wow, that barge is enormous! I believe that's what it is. I'd like to explore the lighthouses in Michigan one day. The state's natural beauty seems like a well-kept secret, and I'd enjoy visiting again with adult eyes. I have been to Michigan back in my younger years - My mom was from Dayton, Ohio, and we'd go back to visit family, and we had some cousins in the Detroit area. I've been to St Clair Lake before.

  7. I knew as soon as I saw that freighter it was the Great Lakes Trader, another reticulated one. I think here in Michigan we have more lighthouses that the easy coast does. We grill every day we can in the Summer when we can and love salads. Started using our own tomatoes and they are so good. Janice

  8. You have quite abundance of garden goodies. I haven't heard of Ariona Berries. We have an Aronia berry bush here that the berries are said to be very healthy. The deer enjoy it. I admire your hard work to harvest and preserve your goodies!

  9. What a fun post. The parts about the food had my tummy hungry. ;-) Cute little turtle at the end.

  10. I’m with you on summer grilling and fresh produce—there’s nothing like garden veggies for salads and sides!

    I also enjoy your choice of watermelon, iced coffee, sweet potato casserole, and apple pie. Corn on the cob is a great summer treat too!

    I’ve visited a few lighthouses, and Copper Harbor Lighthouse sounds like a stunning spot.

    It sounds like you’re very busy with your garden! Processing all those fruits and veggies must keep you on your toes.

    I just posted a new blog post at www.melodyjacob.com, I invite you to read and let me know what you think about it. Thank you!

  11. What a cute turtle! I think he's going my pace too! lol!

  12. I always enjoy reading your answers to these Hodge Podge questions. What's the little Tortoise (turtle?) doing? Look at that color! I need to paint him.

  13. I enjoyed reading your answers. Yum on the things you harvested and I love the turtle.

  14. Aww look at that cutie!! I'm hungry now from all this talk of food too!

  15. Yup, me too...summer food, grilling and fresh from the garden veggies. Yum. Ps- Love that little turtle!!

  16. That random thought photo is wonderful! Especially with the caption. Hope you're having a great week!

  17. That is the most delightful picture and quote at the end. And a really nice photo of the lighthouse too! Your photos are unique and speak to my heart, Carla.


  18. Hahhaa I concur with all of your food choices, although I will say that left to my own devices and being a total ninny, I would eat the candy corn instead of the corn on the cob, hahaha! But I cannot indulge in candy. LOVE the Voltaire quote! That is me to a T. xoxo


High Fives from Wisconsin!