About The River

Monday, August 19, 2024

Joy List Monday


Joy List Monday

 ♥ a weekly ritual ♥

a reminder to stop and pay attention to the little beauties and graces that make life magical and to set aside time for gratitude each day


 ♥ crickets singing at night.. the sounds of late summer

♥ goldenrod is in bloom

♥ the first fresh eggplant from the garden

♥ freshly picked blackberries

♥ holding hands with my husband 


wishing you a beautiful week full of little things that make you smile





  1. That’s what I try to do especially when the outside world is so ugly.

  2. I smiled when you mentioned fresh eggplant from the garden, Carla. My dad had a garden across the street from my house growing up, and he would pick the eggplant and bring it in, and my mom would fry it up for supper that evening. She used a special batter, and it was pretty good. And how wonderful to have freshly picked blackberries. So many yummy foods you can make with them, and they're good just plain too. Thank you for your joy list Monday posts, Carla. They seem to say "all is right with the world" when I read them. : )


  3. Have a wonderful week Carla. Hugs. Kris

  4. The sounds of frogs and crickets are ones I have not heard this Summer. Wonder what happened to them both. Even the fireflies were not as abundant this year. Not sure what is going on around here? Janice

  5. Love your list especially the holding hands - we probably don't do it as much as we should. Have a good week Carla

  6. Your Monday Joy list speaks volumes to me today. I so enjoy each of the things that you listed. I especially love listening to the night sounds of summer. This list brightens my day and I am going to take the time this evening to sit outside a while this evening to embrace the sounds.

  7. Aww...I love all of these! I've been noticing the crickets singing as well!

  8. Holding hands with my husband...a true blessing and something so often overlooked. I love that you included it. ❤️

  9. Have a great week Carla. Mmmm, blackberries!

  10. Fun image at the start. :) Yes, the Goldenrods are so beautiful this time of year.

  11. Aww, what a great list. And what a blessing to have a husband to hold hands with.

  12. I love the thought of you and your Jeremy holding hands and taking a walk with the crickets singing all around you! I love the sound of cicadas. I sorrow when they are done for the year and look forward to their first song in the late spring. For someone who does not like bugs, it's unusual that I am fond of cicadas, but there you have it. We were in Cleveland last week and as I walked an old cemetery, I was fascinated by the cicadas I heard there. While here in South Carolina they wind up sporadically in the morning and evening on a more or less evenly-spaced loop, in Cleveland they were a continuous winding noise. Never stopped, the whole ninety minutes I walked! I was riveted by that! xoxo

  13. What a lovely list of items that bring you joy. I miss having that last one in my life. I am thankful for the 43 years we had together. It's hard to believe he's been gone 12 years now. One day we will be reunited, I am thankful for memories that fill my heart.

    Have a wonderful weekend ~ FlowerLady


High Fives from Wisconsin!