About The River

Monday, August 5, 2024

Fishing, Kayaking and Sunsets



Hello August, the first weekend of August was spent with family. It was prime summer weather, with heat, humidity and sunshine.

My fishing buddy is in the photo above. I caught two fish with the little copper dog sitting on my lap.  

I caught a big bass, while he was asleep, curled up in the bottom of the canoe. He did not wake until an owl gave a big hoot off in the distance. 

August sunset as we were heading off the water.


"One of the secrets of a happy life is continuous small treats."

Iris Murdoch


  1. Looks like fun with Ernie along for good luck. Have a great week. Hugs. Kris

  2. That looks so peaceful. My father-in-law used to live in Dousman, Wisconsin. Beautiful state. There’s a lot of rugged country and that’s what I like the best.

  3. My favorite is the sweet pic of you and your little buddy. You must be so good at fishing! So did you cook them?

  4. Oh how peaceful this looks. I'm sure this was a very satisfying outing....on the water, catching fish, with your buddy. The sunset is so pretty reflecting on the water...I would love to do this, but I can't swim and although I would have a life jacket....I would most likely panic. Glad you enjoyed the time spent in such a beautiful place.

  5. Sounds perfect. I love how he curled up and slept. It looks like a beautiful area.

  6. What a successful trip! That first photo is a framer if you ask me! ❤️

  7. Such a good buddy to fish with. Did you have the fish for dinner?

  8. I love that your copper dog is your fishing buddy! I agree with Heather -- that first photo is a framer!!

  9. Beautiful! Nothing better than a little fishing buddy...you are lucky to have him by your side. I love that quote you shared, too. Does a daily Hershey's Kiss count? ;)

  10. I love this picture of you, Carla, sitting there with your loyal companion. How exciting for you that you caught a big bass! These photos are so pretty of the sunset and the one of the lily pads. And that quote is delightful.....and very true.

    Have a blessed rest of the Summer, Carla. I am patiently awaiting Fall.


  11. Great pictures. Looks like you had a good day with beautiful scenery, and catching fish. Well done. Did you fry up your fish for dinner?

  12. It is so beautiful there, Carla. Your fishing companion must love being on the water! :D

  13. How perfectly idyllic. Ernie is worth his weight in gold. Gorgeous pictures! xoxo


High Fives from Wisconsin!