About The River

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Snakes Alive!!! And it is the Hodgepodge


Snakes Alive!! That is a big spider!!

Hello Friends, it is Wednesday and that means it is time for the Hodgepodge. 

Joyce asks the questions.

We answer the questions.

 Click here to join the fun! 


 1. What's the last thing you completely overreacted to? 

A large spider... who probably did wonder.. "why all the screaming?"

2. Your top five snacks?  

Celery .. Nuts .. Fig Bar .. Sausage .. Cheese 

3. What smell always brings back some type of memory? Elaborate. 

Wood smoke.. my childhood home was heated with wood. The smell of wood smoke reminds me of the first fire of the season. 


4. What's something you learned from the last book you read?  

I just finished reading..

 Hillbilly Elegy A Memoir of a Family and Culture in Crisis 

J.D. Vance

Reading this book helped me understand a young lady I know who is a survivor of a family in crisis. This young lady's mother is also an addict, had/has several men in her life and was awful to her little daughter... who thank goodness got out alive and is doing well at age 23, with an education, job and is currently our oldest son's girlfriend.

 5. What's the next thing on your to-buy list? Will you make that purchase before the end of the year? 

We do not have any big items on our to - buy - list at this time... thank goodness. Hope all appliances, other items and vehicle stay happy. Ha!

 6. Insert your own random thought here. 

There is the great lesson of Beauty and the Beast, that a thing must be loved before it is lovable.

G.K. Chesterton






  1. I love the wisdom of Chesterton! I enjoyed the book Hillbilly Elegy, but I think I may have liked the movie better. It's well done! I quite often overreact to any sort of creature. Have a nice day!

  2. Inquiring minds (mine!) want to know . . .are your snacks in favorite order?? Is celery your number one snack or just one of the five? I like celery and should eat it more often hahaha! In your last picture -- is that a sunflower? purple? red? burgundy? I've never seen one like that before. It is beautiful.

  3. I need to read or watch Hillbilly Elegy. I have heard good things about both, but especially the movie.

    I wondered that about the snacks also. I like celery but it wouldn't be my top favorite.

    And that sunflower is indeed beautiful. There was one that color in a bouquet I was given.

  4. We watched the Vance movie and really enjoyed it, and thought it was well done. How he never denies or tries to "recreate" his past is so refreshing and admirable. He readily admits it is his past that has made him who he is today. I like that. I also love how he openly supports and loves his mother. No wonder she is 10 years sober. My doctor told me this morning to eat more celery and to try it with Almond Butter. I'll let you know how that goes.

  5. Very wise thoughts and responses...except...celery?? LOL.

  6. Oh my! That is a big spider! Yes, I'm pretty sure I would have over reacted to that too!

  7. The one thing in life that really scares me are spiders. I know they do a lot of good but I have been deathly afraid of any spider all my life. I can take snakes, mice you name it but a spider NOPE! My granddaughter will tell you if I ever see a spider in my house I have to burn the house down lol! The books sounds really good. Have a great rest of the week. Hugs. Kris

  8. I have never seen a sunflower this dark...almost black! I am terrified of spiders and would have screamed and ran. Then looked for someone who would kill it.

  9. We watched the movie "Hillbilly Elegy" and my heart was broken for this family. I mean seriously, I cannot imagine being raised in such horror. Spiders...one would think I would be afraid of them since I have been bitten twice by a brown recluse. It took me well over a year to over those two bites. My fear is snakes. The quote is so true...we all need Love and those who grow in love are eager to give love

  10. Dear Carla
    I'm stopping by to say thank you for your kind thoughts and condolences on Eddies passing.

    I do hope to get back to regular blogging soon.
    In the meantime, my thanks again to you.

    All the best Jan

  11. Great post and I'm right there with you on the spider!

  12. Wood smoke is a smell that evokes great memories for me as well. Enjoyed all your answers today. Hope you have a great week!

  13. I love GK Chesterton; so wise and profound. That red sunflower is quite something! How wonderful that your son's girlfriend survived that traumatic childhood and made something of her life. God bless her. I like people who have the class and courage to rise above less-than-optimal circumstances. Of your list of snacks I'll take fig bar, fig bar, fig bar, fig bar, fig bar! Hahahaha done and dusted! xoxo

  14. Hi Carla. A large spider can be very scary, especially if it lands on you. That is great that you were given insight and understanding from that book. Our culture is really in crisis. I love reading about the things that bring back memories for people. You reminded me about wood burning and the fact that it takes me back to camping on the beach. Thank you for swinging by my blog and leaving a comment. I appreciate it.

  15. Now I'm craving peanut butter on a celery stalk! I love that dark sunflower. Fresh pineapple and watermelon are my #1 snack right now. No big items to buy, thankfully.

  16. I'd cope with that spider but definitely not a snake!

  17. I would be screaming too if I saw that spider. YIKES. Janice

  18. That book made me crazy. What a dysfunctional family. I hated the way he justified his relative going after and injuring someone with a chain saw. How does someone who thinks that ok run for VP. I hate spiders and all things creepy crawly. That sunflowers is gorgeous. Never saw one like that before. Reading I'll Take Your Questions now made me realize trump is even worse than I thought, and I didn't think that was possible.

  19. That's some sunflower! Wow...I love the color!! As far as snakes and spiders go, well, I would prefer to avoid them both, but I'd take a snake over a spider. I think it's something about all those legs...willies!! I haven't read or seen Hillbilly Elegy. Friends have said it's very good. Might have to make time to check it out.

  20. I can deal with spiders but not snacks or mice!!!!

  21. As always, I enjoyed reading your answers to the questions! I want to read Hillbilly Elegy, too. I bet it's a fascinating read! Your sunflower is so, so pretty. The colors are so unusual! :D

  22. I don't like huge spiders either! I do try and catch them in a cup and let them out since they are supposed to be good for the eco system. That is a gorgeous sunflower. I love the smell of woodsmoke and freshly cut grass!

  23. I would have been screaming over that spider! Yikes!
    Such a beautiful sunflower!


High Fives from Wisconsin!