About The River

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Sam and Atticus Post - Mexico part 3

We are helping build the kitchen.
This is our Dad. He is helping build.
He made several friends.
Communication was sometimes hard. Dad had to wait for the translator to let him know what needed to be done. We studied Spanish for three months. We only knew a few words. When they talk to you, it is so fast that is hard to pick up what they are saying. But a smile goes a long way!
We got to paint the outside of the storage area. We started and soon some of the other kids in the neighborhood visited. They wanted to paint too.
Working in the heat.
Atticus did not drink enough water, he began to get sick. The heat is hard to get use to in a day...especially when you are from Northern Wisconsin and it is WINTER. Mom took me into the sanctuary of the Church. She let me lay down on her legs as a pillow. I rested for an hour and was back to work.
Next week we will take a walk around the neighborhood. 

1 comment:

  1. I think its so neat that you got to do this as a family. What precious memories for you to share. You helped instill in them a desire to help and be the hands and feet of Jesus. I like that you're having your children tell a little about the trip.


High Fives from Wisconsin!