About The River

Friday, July 2, 2021

My Little Whiskey Barrel!

 Hello Friends,

I have my little whiskey barrel all set up again this season.

I had a great experience at the pet store when I purchased my 10 new little pond fish for .18 cents each.

The young man that helped me was fantastic. He was so kind and fun. He asked me what I wanted my fish for. I shared with him all about my little whisky barrel. He smiled and said "well, I will pick out some pretty fish for you, because usually these feeder fish are dinner for turtles or piranha!"

My happy little fish. 


The Welcome To My Garden sign was passed down to me from Marv.

I purchased two Florida water plants to go into the little whisky barrel too. The fish love hiding in the plants. This simple way of adding a little water feature to my garden, well, it makes me smile.


No turtles or piranhas allowed.


  1. Super cute and I am glad that Marv passed that on to you. Nice remembrance of him.
    Happy 4th. Enjoy. xoxo Kris

  2. Carla, your whiskey barrel looks great! It must be delightful to look out and see the fish
    swimming around. I like all the rocks you put inside there too. Marv's 'welcome to my garden' sign is special, indeed. Adding some water to your garden is a nice addition, and it's refreshing to look at during the hot Summer months.

    Happy 4th of July, dear friend.


  3. This is adorable!! What a clever idea. How many do you have?

  4. Your whisky barrel fish pool looks great. Good luck with the little fishes. I love the welcome to my garden sign. Marv is admiring your little garden from above and never far from your heart.

    Take care and enjoy the summer.
    Hugs, Julia

  5. Darling!! Your fish are super sweet. We've done the same, gone to Petco and purchased the .18 fish and the people are the store are always so excited we're not going to use them for food. This summer some of those tinies are larger than my hand! Go little fish!! ps...love the memento from Marv.

  6. Love your little whisky barrel and fish.
    That is nice you have Marv's Welcome To My Garden sign.

    All the best Jan

  7. Carla, I love it and the garden sign from Marv is so sweet!

  8. Carla, your pond in the little whisky barrel is so cute! I love it! Lucky little gold fish to come home with you.

  9. What a precious "water feature" as the real estate agents say! Just lovely, and how nice to see plants growing in it, too! Lucky, lucky goldfish -- they are said to be symbols of luck and long life -- but you gave them luck, too! To flourish and be safe in their whiskey barrel home!

  10. Happy 4th of July.

    I pledge allegiance to the Flag
    of the United States of America,
    and to the......
    ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨

  11. I love it! I like that it’s placed by Marv’s rock. What a special area in your garden! How is your flower crop so far?

  12. I absolutely love it, what a pretty and fun water feature!

  13. Awww this is precious! Such happy fish in a barrel, and no shooting allowed! Marv's sign brought a tear to my eye. Hope your 4th of July celebrations were truly special, Carla. xoxo

  14. I love your water feature with the whiskey barrel! What a great idea! I have been thinking of adding a water feature to my garden as well. This is just darling! I hope you had a wonderful 4th :)

  15. I am so jealous. I love your mini pond!!! f and cute fish!

  16. I love your whiskey barrel! Marv's sign is the perfect touch!

  17. Love your little whisky barrel and fish as well, a great focal point for the garden.

  18. ps...here I thought you were gonna tell us no fish were harmed in the making of this post. lol...you threw me off with your closing.

    I love this idea. The plants will give your fish needed oxygen too, right?

    ~Hootin' Anni


High Fives from Wisconsin!