About The River

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Ernie and his Dolly


Hello Friends, if you are new here to The River, I will fill you in quick. We adopted a rescue dog October 2023... my sister gifted me a fun 2024 calendar featuring a rescue dog... each flip of the calendar page I share a little update about our rescue dog, Ernie.



 Ernie and his Dolly. Dolly is a Kong Bear. He carries it everywhere and sleeps with it. He also likes to play with Dolly.



The rope inside of Dolly has come out  with most of the stuffing... Dolly is looking... well LOVED!


Ernie is doing really well... what we are working on...

♥ liking the UPS and Fed Ex delivery drivers ... not sure about those fellas walking up the drive

♥ he will be heading out for his first boating trip next week

♥ has done really well with learning not to jump up on people... continuing to work on this

 ♥ likes to chase rabbits and squirrel out of our garden



  1. Ernie is so adorable. I had a rotty once who loved playing with plastic soda bottles. We would fill them with water and he loved breaking them and the water squirted out in Summer outside of course. A cheap toy....before Michigan had the bottle return policy. Janice

  2. Poor doll! Do you think he would accept a new one?

  3. Wow, Ernie has similar things to work on as Nicholas...but Nicky is five years old. Tee hee. He's getting somewhat better about not jumping on people, if I tell him "stay off" before he does it. He still barks at people coming to the front door, though. I'm thinking it's OK, because it might dissuade "bad guys" from trying to break in. LOL. Otherwise, he's a very good dog. :)

  4. Aren’t they like babies? Mine likes to carry her toys and she even has a toy box she noses around in. Good luck with the UPS and other drivers. As well as anyone walking past the house. If we shut the blinds and curtains she’s okay but who wants to live in a cave? Oh well. The joy she gives us as well as the laughs out weigh the annoying habits of wanting to protect us and her property!

  5. Ernie is so cute. It is so sweet how he needs his little companion and friend. Rescue dogs make for the best family members. They just want love and to be loved. Ernie has a great family. Enjoy the week. Hugs. Kris

  6. Yaaay, Ernie, get those squirrels out of the garden! Dolly is such a cute toy for Ernie. I love when you catch us up on the happenings of Ernie. And it's great that you're training him not to jump on people. I am starting to appreciate Ernie so much, Carla.


  7. Ernie looks so comfortable. How sweet that he has a favorite toy. He sounds like he has been a good boy. Hope he enjoys the boat ride. Adam and Gabby's Gracie is a large dog, 3 years old and she just won't stop jumping up on people. I get all bruised on my arms. She had a lot of trainers and they sometimes use a shock collar.

  8. I love that Ernie plays with his little animal/doll. My grandsons lab totes around her little stuffed animal all the time. It is so cute to watch her as she is so attached to the thing. I know this brings you all a lot of happiness in watching Ernie.

  9. Earnie is a big asset for you and your garden. Keeping those pesky creatures out of your garden sure is worth a lot of special treats. I can tell that he loves his Dolly. You're doing a great job training him.
    Good job Earnie. Keep up the good work. Hugs.

  10. Good boy Ernie! We all love you! I think you're the cutest!


High Fives from Wisconsin!