About The River

Monday, June 17, 2024



Our local osprey... photo taken with our phone.

Hello Friends, today I am going to share about the osprey that nest at the football field  at our local school. They have been nesting at this location for about three years. The school placed a special platform for the osprey to build their nest up on the football lights. Their nests are huge and can weigh up to half a ton!

We know when the osprey are back, because we can hear its call. It is a whistle-like call.

Another name for an osprey is, fish hawk, and for good reason. Ninety-nine percent of the osprey's diet consists of live fish. 

The base of the ospreys' nest is made with sticks. We were lucky enough to witness an osprey grab a dead branch from our neighbors tree, it was amazing. Osprey are strong enough to grab a dead branch and break it off a tree trunk!

It is always a joy for us when we take our dog Ernie for his walk, we walk the school path which is right along the football field, so we can keep a look out for .... Jack and Diane. 

That is what my husband and I decided to name our osprey. 




  1. We have a lot of osprey on the lake and several nests we like to keep an eye on. The osprey are huge and because of their size at a glance we sometimes mistake them for eagles. Once you see the eagle though, with that snow white head you know. Thank you for your sweet comment on my blog.

  2. So good that the school placed a special platform for the osprey to build their nest up on the football lights.

    I like the names Jack and Diane you have chosen :)

    All the best Jan

  3. I had no idea that a nest would weigh this much. So very interesting and I hope you will keep posting about them. I would love to see a picture of their nest. I think it is wonderful that the school has built the platform for them to secure their nest.

  4. That is such a great John Mellencamp song! The Ospreys are so fierce and impressive! Do you have water nearby where you can watch them fish?

  5. Hmmm I wonder if Jack and Diane have special names for you and your husband?
    There are many ospreys over by the Shasta Dam area. I like raptors.

  6. Wow how cool. Glad your school gave them a nice place to nest. Wow the I cannot believe the nests can weigh that much. Love the names Jack and Diane. Hugs. Kris

  7. I like your choice of names! heehee! Love these magnificent birds too!

  8. Amazing birds! I love big birds ... I just saw today a picture of a Harpy Eagle, something that will stop you in your tracks for sure if you are ever lucky enough to see one in person, which is doubtful, hahaha! The shoebill is another incredible large bird that I love. Osprey are fabulous -- the SIZE and WEIGHT of those nests! Mind boggling! xoxo

  9. How cool is that?!? Ospreys are so adaptive and fun to watch.

  10. How neat to have these ospreys come back every year. I have never seen one but am sure they are as proud as the bald eagles we have here. Cute names you gave them too! Janice

  11. Oh, they are fun, aren't they? We see them on the tall towers surrounding our local, favorite state park near Stoughton. It's fun to watch them throughout the stages--from adults nesting, to chicks, to parents guarding, and finally to first flights. :)

  12. Wow, I had no idea they could weigh that much. That is so cool that you saw them take a branch from your neighbors tree. Enjoy watching Jake and Diane on your walks.

  13. That is so nice that the osprey are able to make their nest on the football field. It's wonderful that you visit them often on your walks. Wow, I didn't realize how strong they are. Loved reading a little about them, Carla. Thanks for sharing.

    Have a blessed week, dear friend.



High Fives from Wisconsin!