About The River

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

It is National Dairy Month and the Hodgepodge


Happy Dairy Month

Here in Wisconsin we like to make a big deal about our cheese. 

And I have to say we have the best cheese.





I can go on and on but it is time for the Hodgepodge.


Joyce asks the questions.

We answer the questions.

 Click here to join the fun!

 1. It's National Cheese Day (June 4)...does anyone not like cheese? What's your favorite? Last thing you ate or made with cheese? 

Marieke Gouda

Gouda is my favorite cheese, from the cheese shop above. Check out the link above. The story of this Dutch couple coming to America to make dreams come true is inspiring. I love super aged Gouda. 

We made a fresh garden salad with sliced  grilled chicken, dried cranberries, olives, celery   and grated super aged Gouda.

 2. Last time you were instructed to 'say cheese!'? How do you feel about having your picture taken? 

have not had to say "cheese' lately. I do not like having my photo taken.

 3. What's your travel packing strategy? Are you typically a light packer or do you throw in everything but the ktichen sink? When flying do you check a bag or aim for carry on only? 

I try so hard to pack light... but very seldom succeed. My military son taught me some tricks of rolling your jeans, shirts and more to make more room to pack light.

We have not flown in a LONG time.

 4. What is it about people's cell phone habits that you find most annoying? 

When we are out and about... seeing families all staring at their screen instead of engaging in real life.

5. What will be your summer mantra/slogan?  

Get out on the water... exploring some new lakes and rivers in our canoe or kayaks.

 6. Insert your own random thought here.

 You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.

A.A. Milne 


  1. I love the A.A. Milne quote!! Your answer for #4 is so true. I really hate it when it is just a couple -- I always wonder if they are on a "date" night without the kids . . .and have nothing to talk about.

  2. I agree that when we are out toe at and families are ignoring each other, it's weird. It's almost like, why did you go out only to sit here in silence? When the kids were little we refused to let them have devices at a restaurant so now, they're pretty good about actually engaging with us at meals.

  3. Ha Ha yep Wisconsin is known for their great cheese! I love the last quote. We all need to remember that. Happy Wednesday. Hugs. Kris

  4. Carla, When I married my husband (2nd marriage) I noticed how he would roll up his dirty clothes and place them in the hamper! That’s 20 years in the military. Our hamper is very tidy, thanks to him! 😉
    I’ve learned from him how to roll my clothes and it works to keep my packs light!
    Of course you would know about cheese! Enjoyed your answers. I hope you have an awesome week.

  5. That gouda looks gooda, hahaha! xoxo

  6. The cheese looks so good! I love Gouda, too. I agree about being with friends and not putting your phone away! Especially at restaraunts!

  7. A great A.A. Milne quote. I love cheese too! I have not flown in years and have no desire to anymore. Janice

  8. Nice quote at the end. Get out on the water sounds like a great summer motto. A lot of hodgepodgers said they don't like their photo taken. Everything people have listed as cell phone annoyance is shared by me, too. Happy June to you.

  9. The other night we saw an entire family-mom, dad, and three school aged children in a restaurant, each one on their own device. It was strange. We bought paddleboards this year so I'm hoping to get on the water a lot too. On not in teehee.

  10. Great post! Love A. A. Milne and that's so true about families staring at their phones instead of engaging with each other.

  11. I love all your answers. You hit the JackPot with that gift of yummy cheese. I'm a cheese lover too.
    I've been gardening all day but didn't accomplished much. The deers are already eating our pepper plants. 😢

    Hugs, Julia

  12. Cheese is my weakness and my cholesterol reflects it!! Haha!! I love it all! I was brought up on a lot of Italian cheeses like mozzarella and provolone, but as I've gotten older, I've come to enjoy many others...and gouda is at the top of my list, too! Yum!!

  13. Nice gift box. Yum on the cheese you listed. Your salad sounds delicious. I never pack light but I do roll all of my clothes. Yes, your answer for the cell phones is so true and sad. I like your montra. Amen to your random. I wish I felt that way. I have to try harder.

  14. I learned about rolling clothes to pack years ago as well, but don't always remember to do it. Gouda and colby are two favorite cheeses of mine as well. I love the A.A. Milne quote you closed with! Hope you're having a great week!

  15. Cheese is a big staple around here. I must admit, that we seldomly venture out in the cheese department. Cheddar cheese as well as pepper jack cheese is about it. I know...kinda sad isn't it? I do like the ingredients in your salad and it sounds delicious. I'm with you when it comes to the phone thing. So sad to see people stuck on their phone when they should be enjoying each others company....

  16. Aaaaahhhh that is a great quote! I need to try that cheese. We love cheese around here! Happy Belated Cheese Day!

  17. Oh Carla, I enjoyed reading your hodgepodge today. I especially liked number 4. I am a light packer too. And my family loves cheese. Your salad with cranberries sounds delicious. It's so nice to know more about my blog friend. And I love and appreciate the quote you shared at the end. It's very special.


  18. Boy, I'm really late commenting on this one. I'm on vacation so didn't post to this weeks, so I figured I'd go back and comment on this HP.I enjoyed your answers. The quote at the end is one of my favorites

  19. Aww I love that quote!! Another fun Hodgepodge. Oooh I missed National Cheese Day but I can still get in on dairy month! Those cheeses look so good. No wonder you take them so seriously. I've learned to pack light and use packing cubes. I have a big trip coming up that I'm a little nervous about packing light for. We just got back from Florida and that was pretty easy packing. I hope you're getting into the water!

  20. That's a great quote. We too try to pack light. I hate when people have conversations on speaker.. or listen to videos out loud in a public space. Enjoy your cheese!

  21. Cheese is so good to eat!
    Wisconsin has some great cheeses!

    All the best Jan

  22. I hope you had a lovely Anniversary!
    I need to try that cheese. I love a good Wisconsin cheese :)


High Fives from Wisconsin!