About The River

Friday, June 21, 2024

On The Road Friday ~ Necedah, Wisconsin



Hello Friends,

Our latest adventure was to Necedah, Wisconsin. We visited the Necedah National Wildlife Refuge... and it was a fantastic time. We saw so much wildlife and beauty. A sampling of what we saw, deer, including a fawn, porcupine, turtles, swans, herons, butterfly, and so much more.

Click here for more information Necedah National Wildlife Refuge 

And one more place to click for more information 



2023 we had a drought, 2024 we are receiving rain, rain and more rain. The boardwalk was flooded, but Ernie and I decided to brave the waters.. it was not that deep, just a wee bit over my shoe.


A few photos from the day... one of the butterfly that we saw was a Karner Blue Butterfly. I did not get a good photo of it because it was flying up and down and all around. 

Click here to learn more about the Karner Blue Butterfly

We subscribe to Our Wisconsin Magazine. It is a fun magazine all about Wisconsin. The Spring issue featured the JB Polish and American Deli. We decided to eat our lunch here.



After reading about Zofia and her deli.. we decided to eat lunch here.

90 percent of the items in her store are from Poland. 

Zofia displays Polish treasures in her deli, including a traditional dress featuring intricate beadwork. Red and white are the country's national colors.


A few more photos from the day of exploring the area.


 Thank you for coming along with me on our adventure to Necedah, Wisconsin.





  1. Looks like a lovely day, the lupines are beautiful.

  2. Goodness, that giant rock...was it carved? And the Bluebonnets are gorgeous!!! The purple flower looks like a Lady's Slipper? What fun the Polish Deli sounds like!

  3. What a beautiful day and Little Ernie looks like he is having a great time exploring too. Lots of good smells I am sure. Have a great weekend. Hugs. Kris

  4. What a great day you had. I enjoyed all of the photos and the Polish Deli sounds wonderful.

  5. How fun to meander through a preserve. I would have been thrilled to see all of the flora and fauna. I say yes to the polish deli too. Being of Polish decent, I love Polish food. YUM! Janice

  6. You and Ernie can send some rain down here to Central Alabama. We need some! Your photos are pretty, and I'd like to know more about the flowers you photographed. What are the pink ones? The Polish Deli was a great choice, apparently. Yum!

  7. The flowers are so pretty. I bet that polish deli was tasty. One of my good friends was born in Poland and in the mid 80’s her mom and 2 sisters fled to Sweden where she finished growing up. Interesting story.
    Enjoyed the nice pictures. I like rock formations - so I really liked the one you showed.
    Have a wonderful relaxing weekend and stay 😎 cool, my friend!

  8. Thanks for taking us on your adventure in the comfort of our home. That big rock almost looks like a giant dinosaur. I've never came across a Lady Slipper plant in the wild. I would have like to sample some Polish food.

    Take care and I hope that the rain stop for a while. It's been a bit hot and dry here but we are supposed to get rain today. I'm getting tired of watering all the vegetable gardens.

    Hugs, Julia

  9. Such a beautiful and peaceful place.

  10. Wow, your adventure at Necedah National Wildlife Refuge sounds absolutely enchanting! It must have been so thrilling to encounter such a diverse array of wildlife, from deer and porcupines to swans and the elusive Karner Blue Butterfly.

  11. I'm definitely going to keep this place in mind when we want to do something. Works perfectly for a day trip for us.


High Fives from Wisconsin!