About The River

Monday, June 24, 2024

This and That



Hello Friends, a little of this and that to share with you today. 

We will start with flowers.


"Never live faster than your guardian angels can fly"

Susan Branch


I harvested our first batch of fresh lettuce.


 "I seek quiet joys."

John Clare 


Shug asked me to take a photo of the Osprey nest that I shared in my post from last week... in case you missed the post click here to read about our local Ospreys.

Look up at the stadium lights.  


"Blessed are the happiness makers!"

Henry Ward Beecher


Meet us in Narrows Park

We enjoyed a picnic with some of my past coworkers and volunteers from DAYBREAK. 


"Fun is Good."

Susan Branch 



Each morning a load of culverts have been unloaded for a big project that will be happening in our village. 


" Life is either a great adventure or nothing."

Helen Keller


 I started this begonia from seed...  I cannot believe the size of it.


Have a great week my friends. 

I will be on an adventure... be back soon.




  1. Good Monday morning Carla. Thank you for posting the picture of the Osprey. I am pretty sure that this is what we have been watching down at the farm. Your quote on "living faster than your guardian angels can fly," sure speaks to me this morning. I need to slow down! Gorgeous flowers around your place, and goodness...your begonia is really doing well. Hope you have a blast on your journey...be safe and enjoy a beautiful Monday.

  2. The flowers are all so pretty. I still cannot get over how much the Osprey's nest weigh. How fun you could meet up with your Daybreak friends. Enjoy your adventure. Hugs. Kris

  3. Your begonia plant is getting so big. How wonderful that you grew fresh lettuce in your garden, Carla. Your flowers are coming along nicely too. I like the Susan Branch quote. It seems that people are living so fast these days. I can't keep up, nor do I want to haha. Loved your "this and that" post, dear friend. They are always a favorite, and make my heart smile. : )


  4. The begonia is impressive! And from seed! The purple flower is a beaut.

  5. Do you know what the project will be? Your Begonia is gorgeous. The color it not a common one I think.

  6. Your begonia is beautiful! We just picked some lettuce for the first time today and had some on a sandwich...Oh so good!


High Fives from Wisconsin!