About The River

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Autumn is Here and it is the Hodgepodge


Hello Friends, Autumn has arrived here in Northwest Wisconsin, with our first frosty nights, cold mornings and warm afternoons. The warm sunlight dancing in the trees as the leaves are just turning color.


It is time for the Hodgepodge.

Joyce asks the questions.

We answer the questions.

Click here to join the fun! 


 1. Thursday is National Walk To A Park Day. I know these celebratory days are mostly made up, but some are fun to think about. Do you live close enough to a park to walk to one on Thursday? I do, but we will not walk that direction on Thursday. Will you? The most famous park in the world is Central Park located in NYC. Have you ever been to Central Park? No What did you think? If you haven't been is this a place you'd like to see? At this time I do not have an interest in visiting NYC. We visited back in 2007, but did not visit Central Park during that visit to NYC.

 2. Something you've done recently that turned out to be a 'walk in the park'? 

We made up a batch of our own sauerkraut. It ended up being a 'walk in the park'.

3. Can you parallel park? I  have done it, but close your eyes watching me do so. Do you have to do this often where you live?  Thank goodness, no! 

4. The colors of fall...red, brown, russet, golden bronze, golden yellow, purplish red, light tan, crimson, orange red, and scarlet. Are these colors you like to wear? I do.  Is this your season in terms of color? No. What about your home? Would we see these tones in your home decorating?  Yes, we have several shades of brown, tan and russet in our home. We have pops of red here and there as well. 

Some say our pets match our rug. 


 5. What part of history do you find most interesting? Elaborate. 

 I find  WWII  interesting. My Grandpa served during WWII. He shared several stories with me from the war. It was good to learn from him. He shared often about the German POW's. 

 6. Insert your own random thought here. 

I also enjoy reading WWII historical fiction. Lilac Girls was a favorite of mine.



  1. That flower photo is gorgeous! I've never tried making sauerkraut but we like it. I might have to see what that's all about. I'm more comfortable parallel parking when I'm alone. I hate when a car is waiting for me to get in the space so it feels like they're rushing me. Enjoy your day!

  2. I love sauerkraut, I'll have to check that out as well. Parallel parking -yes because I had to daily in my 30's. I have been to Central Park, it's gorgeous this time of year. The NYC marathon is through part of the park. I like fall colors.


High Fives from Wisconsin!