About The River

Monday, March 3, 2025

Joy List Monday


Joy List Monday

♥ a weekly ritual ♥

a reminder to stop and pay attention to the little beauties and graces that make life magical and to set aside time for gratitude each day



 ♥ the days are getting longer

 ♥ the start of maple syrup season.. we tapped our trees

 ♥ chicken noodle soup

♥ spending the last day of February with our son Atticus

 ♥ the first robin sighting... the promise of spring

 ♥ fresh sheets on our bed

 ♥ a scoop of vanilla ice cream

 ♥ shadows on our afternoon walk



Wishing you a beautiful week full of little things that make you smile.








  1. I'm looking forward to more daylight too. And my daffodils are blooming on a hillside just outside my dining room window which makes me smile every time I walk by. Have a nice week!

  2. Nice gratitude list- how wonderful to spend time with your son and it's the neatest thing that you guys get maple syrup from your own trees! It must taste extra "sweet!" Have a great Monday!

  3. Ohhhhhh it is so nice that we are on the downhill slide into Spring. New Life and new adventures. Have a great week my friend. Hugs. Kris

  4. Beautiful photo. We didn't see the robins, but we sure heard them the other day when we were choring. I told hubby we survived winter :) and heading into the next season, sure feels good. Tho I know we can have some more snow and I'm hoping it's a sugar snow.

  5. The days are definitely getting longer. Can't wait for the clock change later this month.

  6. Those are all good sentiments. Maple syrup! I like the reminder to be grateful, I need to heed that today and every day.

  7. I’m in total agreement! March is a lovely month of Hope after a long winter. Enjoy your week ahead.


High Fives from Wisconsin!