About The River

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Old Fashioned Weather Forecasting

Hello March
 Did March come in like a lion or a lamb? 

 When clouds appear like towers, the Earth is refreshed by frequent showers.
Large, white clouds that look like cauliflower or castles in the sky indicate a lot of changing weather going on inside. Harmless clouds look like billowy cotton, not towers. If the clouds start to swell and turn gray, they'll probably turn into thunderstorms.
 Rainbow in the morning gives you fair warning.
A rainbow in the morning indicates a shower is to the west and you will most likely get rain.
 Ring around the moon? Rain real soon.
A ring around the moon usually signals an advancing warm front, which means precipitation. Under those conditions, high, thin clouds get lower and thicker as they pass over the moon. Ice crystals are reflected by the moon's light, causing a halo to appear.
Clear moon, frost soon.
When the night sky is clear, Earth's surface cools rapidly and there is no cloud cover to keep the heat in.  If the night is clear enough to see the moon and the temperature drops enough, frost will form.


  1. Very interesting and informative. So far March is coming in like a lamb!

  2. Beautiful photos ~ and I loved all the old fashioned weather quotes.
    Have a happy one.

  3. I have to show my girls this! I always taught them, "Red sky at night, sailors delight - red sky in the morning, sailors take warning." Thank you for the other informative tidbits. Pretty cool!

  4. Your rain pictures are pretty, Carla. Love that last one. It's been warm and sunny here, but supposed to rain on Thursday for a few days.

    Happy March, my friend!


  5. I did enjoy reading the old fashioned weather quotes and your pictures are lovely.

    May March be a good month for you and your lovely family.

    All the best Jan

  6. I did enjoy reading the old fashioned weather quotes and your pictures are lovely.

    May March be a good month for you and your lovely family.

    All the best Jan

  7. This was awesome! I have certainly learned to watch for the moon around fall when the harvest is ripe. I've lost more than one harvest due to a full moon during harvest. My motto now is if I see a full moon in harvest, it means cover the garden, lol! Enjoyed this post today Carla! :)

  8. When we were little, going to the ocean was a huge deal...but only if the weather was good. So the night before, my brother and I would sit on the front stoop looking for a red sky, reciting, red sky in morning, sailors take warning, red sky at night, sailor's delight!

  9. Well that was sure fun! I like your first photo especially.

  10. Love the photos and the weather wisdom. ;) Nancy

  11. Pretty pictures! Never heard about the morning rainbow before, interesting!

  12. "rosso di sera, bel tempo si spera" my italian weather forecast :)


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