About The River

Friday, August 28, 2020

August color of the Month ~ Blue

 Each and every month I have been picking a color of the month and sharing random photos of that color.

January ~ White

February ~ Red

March ~ Green

April ~ Pink

May ~ Red, White and Blue

June ~ Yellow

July ~ Purple

August ~ Blue

Blue is my favorite color and August is my favorite month!

Take it away blue...


Blue Sky

Blue Lantern

Blue Jeans

White Moon in a Blue Sky

Wisconsin's Flag

Blue Car

Blue Lego's


  1. Yay for blue. Your photos are beautiful.I love the color blue. It is so peaceful.
    Enjoy the blue sky and sunshine too.
    Hugs, Julia

  2. Blue is such a vibrant and happy color. It’s easy to see why it’s your favorite! It’s a favorite around our house, too! 💙

  3. Hooray for your favorite color Blue!

    It isn't mine, but we are all individuals. ~smile~


  4. I love blue too. If you opened my wardrobe it would be easy to see it's my favourite colour lol. Great pics Carla.

  5. Carla, I loved your blue pictures. Nothing prettier than blue skies with puffy white clouds. I have been thinking of your son...hope he doesn't have to go to the protests , as I thought he was back to college. Blessings, xoxo, love, Susie

  6. Love the photos of blue. The walking sticks, Lego and shoe with jeans are my favorites! Hope things are better in Wisconsin.

  7. Beautiful blues! My favorite is the moon.

  8. Blue is a great color, enjoyed all the pics!

  9. I love this idea. Prayers for Wisconsin! The flag is my favorite of all your photos this month.

  10. I love blue also. It was my favorite color for many years. Now green is my favorite, but I still love blue.

  11. Blue is one of my fave colors too. Love all your pretty and fun pics of blue. Keeping good thoughts for Sam and his fellow guardsmen as they help out in Kenosha. We need peace and to not have all this unrest. Hugs sweet friend.

  12. Lovely! I'm hoping to paint my new kitchen blue (which will hopefully set off all of the beautiful woodwork and cabinets - the old owner built them all from wood harvested on the property. I think that's so neat!)


High Fives from Wisconsin!