About The River

Thursday, August 20, 2020

The Great Garlic and Onion Harvest!

 The great garlic and onion harvest. 

At the end of July I harvested our garlic.

My husband built me a fantastic drying rack down in our basement. I lay the garlic on the racks and place a fan to blow on the garlic for about three weeks.

After the three week drying time, my husband bundles the garlic and hangs it in the basement.


Time to harvest the onions.

 I do the same. I harvest the onions. I place them on the drying racks and I have the fan blowing on them. After three weeks of drying time I will gather them and put them into baskets and store in the basement. I grew four different variety of onion this season. I am very pleased with the flavor of the red onion.

Best storage onion.. Copra

Long Day Sampler.. 

Walla Walla.. yellow onion

Ringmaster.. white onion

Redwing.. red onion


Are you harvesting and preserving any garden goodness?


  1. Better check my pockets when I leave! heehee! How nice to have these dried to use later. I was just looking at someone's blog showing onion rings cooked in an air fryer. Now I really want some of these! Hugs!

  2. Wow, we have try some of those next year!

  3. I enjoyed learning how you harvest and prepare your garlic and onions. I've never had a garden but I love home grown vegies. I shop the Farmers Market when I can.

  4. Sounds like you and hubby make a good team!

  5. I know nothing about this process. So are they now dehtdrated, and you would not use them the same way as fresh?

  6. Carla, I am glad you have the rack to help dry your harvest. I am just not a big fan of garlic. I like it in food . But hate to smell it cooking. I know , so strange. LOL. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  7. How beautiful! I didn't know they had to be dried first. What a fun and informative post!

  8. Good Morning Carla. What a great harvest of goodies you have. You and your hubby working together on these is so sweet. I know it must be nice to grow and have fresh things from your own garden. Happy Friday. Have a great weekend.

  9. sighhhhhh

    Comment disappeared again.

    Does anyone else, have this problem???????

    One thing I notice is, that even as I try to publish this second comment, your blog is still trying to Load. The little blue circle is still going around. Showing that your blog has not yet loaded. A long time.

    Quicky, i publish

  10. And your blog is still trying to load on my computer!

  11. My garlic did really well this year, too! I'm going to re-plant most of it next month and see how it does in the new garden. Hopefully in a few years it'll reproduce enough that I can keep most of it to eat!

  12. I'm impressed with your onions and garlic harvest and drying rack. It was so dry this year and my onions didn't do as well since the deers trampled them down but I still had enough for a few months.

    Hugs, Julia

  13. Did my comment go through? Great job with storage. I am really hoping the acorn squash will keep well until I can bring a dozen to the food pantry. Maybe i'll just cut the ripe ones and bring inside.... thoughts?

  14. Your garlic and onions look so pretty. I've never grown garlic. Having a place to dry and store them sure helps. We have had such a good crop of tomatoes this summer, so I have been stewing and freezing them in quart containers. My peppers did terrible this year.

  15. Good grief!!!

    Haven't you seen all the possibly SPAM links you have here, in comments!!!!!!!!!!

  16. You asked my about the shows we watch.

    Each of the shows, has a click-able link to it. Right in my post.

    Just click on them, and be taken to a source,telling you about them.

    They are on tv here, at present.

  17. I'm so proud of you for harvesting all that garlic and onions! We've never tried to grow onions. Oh, I remember when we could get Walla Walla onions in the grocery stores here for a short time each summer. They were delicious, my favorite. The only "putting up" I do anymore is things like pickled banana peppers and hot pepper sauce. And purple hull peas--and my thumbnail still hasn't healed from that!

  18. Wow!
    Your onions and garlic harvest is excellent and so id the drying rack.

    All the best Jan

  19. I've never been successful with garlic, but haven't given up yet! I will have to research Copra onion, I've never heard of it before.
    Today we dug up our potatoes. It has been a challenging year for us. Very little rain, and near drought conditions.

  20. What a bountiful harvest of onions and garlic! I think I smell the wonderful aroma here in Texas! Great job! I've got three tomato plants and have harvested 3 tomatoes and they were so delicious!

  21. This is simply fantastic, Carla! The abundance, the drying rack, the beautiful produce. I admire your green fingers.


High Fives from Wisconsin!