About The River

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

It is Harvest Month and it is the Hodgepodge!


Hello Friends and Happy August

August is the start of harvest month for us in the garden. Yum, Yum, Yum!

It is Wednesday and that means it is time for the Hodgepodge!

Joyce asks the questions.

We answer the questions.

Click here to join the fun! 


1. Hello August. What's one thing you're looking forward to this month? 

Spending time with our son Sam, who just recently landed on Wisconsin soil from a 9 month deployment with the 157th Wisconsin National Guard in the Horn of Africa.

I will be writing a post soon about the Welcome Home Ceremony.

And a BIG ... THANK YOU ... to all my blog friends for the prayers and support during Sam and the 157th's deployment.

2. What are you doing to beat the heat right now?Wisconsin had a major heat wave last week. My husband and I decided to head to one of the many lovely Northern Wisconsin lakes. We packed a picnic and spent the day kayaking.  If you live in the southern hemisphere are you enjoying cooler temps or counting the days until summer? 

 3. How do you see the world? 

I will share one of the stories Sam shared with us on our ride home from Madison, Wisconsin last Saturday. 

He spent time in Mogadishu, Somalia. What hurt his heart the most was the mangled children. Legs missing, arms missing, fingers, toes and so very skinny. Working the street for hand outs and what they can find.

It made Sam appreciate even more so that he lives in America. 

 Looking at the world as a military mom, I see the good America does when it goes to help a country and I also see how fast it crumbles, Afghanistan, when we leave. 

It leaves me confused and angry. I shake my head. I do know we will always have good and evil.

I try to do my best in my part of this BIG world to make it a good day for all that I can.

 4. What's food product do you think is better store bought than home made? Ice Cream Sandwiches... Ha .. I tired making my own, it did not work out. How about something you refuse to buy because it is so much better homemade? Cake Mix ... I bake from scratch.. homemade. 

 5. Are you easy to get along with? 

Yes. I am a very curious person, so I am interested in many things and enjoy learning about others.

 6.  Insert your own random thought here. 

My friend Angie sent me the following prayer for our family. I wrote it down and I am praying it daily for all of the 157th.

I will be praying for your family. That you can offer each other abundant grace during Sam's transition back to civilian life. I pray that you can love each other through the hard days. And I pray the hard days are few. May joy and laughter abound! May God get the Glory through it all.






  1. Sweet prayer and I am praying as Sam's journey is coming to an end in Africa that his transition home will be a safe journey and you can all celebrate him when he gets home. How sweet that will be. Prayers for his safe journey home. Thankful for his service. We need more young men and women like Sam doing what is good and right to protect so many. Love ya Kris

  2. Love the veggies you gathered. So happy to hear that Sam is in Wisconsin. How nice to go kayaking and have a picnic. That is so sad about the children. Good answer on ice cream sandwiches and way to go on making your cakes from scratch. I have always assumed that you are easy to get along with and I'm happy to call you my friend. That is a lovely prayer.

  3. I do think living outside of the US, serving in the military...these things give us a different and wider perspective of our country, and that's a good thing. I will say spending time around young members of our military reminds me all is not loss. Many parents are raising strong, brave, hard working, men and women who don't make the news. So glad your son is back safe and sound and I thank him for his service!

  4. What a lovely prayer. I know you are beyond excited to have Sam home. How long is he able to stay? Or will he wait on a call?

  5. How wonderful to have time with your son! I cannot imagine the things he has seen. I'm thankful for him and his service!

  6. I enjoyed reading your answers and especially how you see the world. The military does expose you to other parts of the world. My husband retired after 20+ years and he has some stories as well, from all that he saw from some of the most poorest regions.

  7. I'm so glad that Sam returned safely back to Wisconsin, Carla. It's so sad to hear of the stories in other countries and how the people live there, especially the precious children. The picnic lunch at the lake and kayaking sounds wonderful. Brian just took Francesca out kayaking, and it was a fun time. Yum, ice cream sandwiches, and so good on hot days like this one. What a thoughtful prayer for your friend, Angie, to send you. The last words were special, indeed.

    Happy August days to you, dear Carla.


  8. Hooray for Sam's safe return and your reunion. Hard things he was exposed to. Wonderful prayer!

  9. YIPEE Sam is home! I know you are over the moon. So sad to hear about the children. Maybe everyone here needs to see how the other folks have to live. The grass is not always greener. Janice

  10. How wonderful that your son is home and you can celebrate that reunion!!

  11. What a huge blessing to have Sam safely back home. How sad for the poor mangled innocent children. What a contrast with seeing our young children overweight and addicted to their cell phones and to see the malnourished and mangles children of these war torn countries. So, so sad...

    I hope that you have a pleasant month with Sam.
    Hugs, Julia

  12. So glad your son is home and I thank him for his service.

  13. Welcome home to Sam! It is so sad to learn of hardships anywhere in the world, including here in the U.S. Yes, we are fortunate, especially in most parts of this country. I will continue to pray for you and your family. <3

  14. Oh that's such wonderful news!! I'm so happy for you all and can't wait to hear about the big homecoming. I'm sure there were a lot of hugs involved!! And one from me to you!! xo

  15. I enjoyed your answers. How exciting for your son to be home.

  16. What a wonderful prayer. We really do pray for each other and what a difference that makes in our lives. Enjoy your week! It MUST be cooler there than it is here! lol

  17. Yay for Sam being in Wisconsin!! I'm so glad he's home safe and sound. The stories from Somalia sound heartbreaking. We've been getting cooler weather but were away for it. Going to the lake for picnicking and kayaking sounded so nice! Your harvest is impressive!

  18. The prayer is WONDERFUL. And may it ever be so. I imagine your Sam saw things that no one should ever have to see, and that no child should ever have to endure. God help us! xoxo


High Fives from Wisconsin!