About The River

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Hello November and it is the Hodgepodge


Hello November!!

Hello Friends, it is Wednesday and that means it is time for the Hodgepodge! 

Joyce asks the questions.

We answer the questions.

Click here to join the fun! 

1. Besides Thanksgiving (in the USA) what's one thing you're looking forward to in November? 

We will be getting a new gas range. For the past 26 years we have had an electric range, my husband has always wanted a gas range. This month we are getting one. We cannot wait!!

2. Do you like candles? Your favorite scent? How often do you burn a candle in your home? 

Yes, I enjoy candles. My favorite scent is cinnamon. We burn a candle in our home every evening.

 3. What gadgets did you use today? 

phone. hairdryer. flat iron. vacuum cleaner. laptop. the list goes on. 

4. This question is a repeat from one asked in November of 2014, but I liked it so it's coming round again. Many of you weren't here in 2014. Okay, you can have fifty pounds of something (anything but money)...what will you choose? Also, since I mentioned it...what were you up to in November of 2014? 

Mix Nuts ... I love mixed nuts, without peanuts. 

November of 2014, I was busy with our two boys. Sam would have been 14 and Atticus would have been 12. 

5. 'Tis the season...what's something you're feeling especially grateful for today?  

My dad and mom. I recently had a very bad day! My mom called me early in the morning the next day to cheer me on. My dad talked to me too. The day did get better after talking to them. And by the afternoon I was feeling much better. I have been blessed with very optimistic parents. When the going gets tough the tough get going. They have always been great to give encouragement and help to both my sister and me to press on.

  6. Insert your own random thought here. 

Meet Ernie... a rescue who is currently melting our hearts. To be continued...




  1. I love cooking with gas! I have an electric oven and a gas one and I'm still trying to figure out the gas oven but I love the gas cooktop!! Your parents sound like amazing people!!

  2. You'll love your gas stove as you can control the temperature better. I've used one many years ago but never own one.

    A very sweet picture of Ernie and both of you. I love the pumpkin.
    Take care.

  3. Gas ranges are so much better to cook with! I hope you post it when you get it. I cannot have one, due to my clumsiness and fear of setting myself on fire. When I used to have a stove that you light the pilot light, I burned my eyebrows off. Funny now.

  4. Ha ha I like that turkey meme. I've mostly always cooked on a gas stove. BIG difference. I wouldn't want anything but a gas stove. You will love it. That is so nice that your parents can still be counted on, to cheer you up. Welcome to Ernie. He's a cutie.

  5. How wonderful that you have encouraging parents that can cheer you on. Woohoo about your gas range. Congrats on Ernie. Happy November to you.

  6. Carla, I'm sorry you were having a bad day. And glad that your mom and dad helped lifting you up. You are so fortunate to have them in your life. How wonderful that you are getting a gas range soon. You will enjoy that when making your delicious meals each day. I love mixed nuts too! And my favorite scent in candles is cinnamon and spices as well. Hello Ernie. Can't wait to hear about him, Carla. This is a sweet picture of you. : )


  7. Ernie is a sweetie. I'm glad your parents gave you encouragement and that you got a new gas range...three (and more) things to celebrate. :)

  8. Ohhhhh little Ernie is adorable can't wait to hear more about him. You will love having gas over electric for cooking. Have a great day. Hugs. Kris

  9. Awwwww ERNIE!!!!!! Come to see the pirate so I can love on youuuuu, hahaha! I'm so happy for you, getting a new stove. I have never particularly wanted a gas stove. My mother hankered after one for years and finally got one, and due to a design flaw that had the cast iron grates too high above the flame, it seemed to take forever to cook anything. When she was sick and I was there all the time, I got so frustrated! But I know they're supposed to be better so I'm happy for you. What a sweet story about your parents calling just to encourage you. I never knew my dad and my mom was not much of an encourager (most of the time; she certainly could be, but it was not a top note in her personality), so I think that's really special. Happy November!!! xoxo

  10. You are going to love the gas stove. We changed ours last year. Have always had electric and now I am loving this gas stove. Awesome... Enjoy those wonderful parents as long as you can. I miss both of mine. And Ernie....cute, cute. Have a great day.

  11. Ernie is adorable and that cartoon is hilarious! I miss my parents so much, they could always cheer me up when things were blue. Just hearing their voices would brighten my day.

  12. Welcome Ernie! YAY on your gas range. Love the joke at the beginning. Janice

  13. Ernie!! Adorable!! Can't wait to hear about your new friend!!

  14. Enjoy your gas range. We have one but California no longer will let you get gas ranges. Cinnamon is a nice choice for a candle. Mixed nuts....haven't seen anyone else say that. I love nuts but I buy unsalted nuts. Our Trader Joe's had a great variety of nuts. That is so sweet of your parents. Can't wait to hear more about Ernie!

  15. I hope all goes well with your gas stove. I hope you are feeling well and having a great fall. Happy Thanksgiving.

  16. Welcome Ernie! He's so adorable!! I like burning a candle every night as well. That's exciting about the gas range. What's the first thing he'll make?

  17. Realized I never commented from last week, so better late than never. I hope you have an amazing November. Enjoyed your answers. I just got a gas range last year and love it. It didn't take me as long as I thought it would to get used to it. Oh, nuts is a great idea. Hi Ernie!

  18. Welcome Ernie!! Looking forward to getting to know this cutie!
    Glad your parents were able to help you <3


High Fives from Wisconsin!